The job carried out by a retail design consultant

The way your store is arranged and your display fixtures are stocked can make a big difference in your bottom line. It’s important that the layout draws customers in and the overall store design is enticing and effective at driving sales. If you believe your shop needs needs a makeover, it may be time to hire a retail design consultant.


What can a retail design consultant do for you?

While ou likely know your selection of products and typical customer demographic best, a retail design consultant can combine that information with his or her own knowledge to improve sales. These professionals are able to look at the store with fresh eyes, from a third-party perspective that allows for objective decision-making processes. Their goals often include attracting customers to walk through the entire store with precisely arranged display fixtures and providing a layout that protects the business from shoplifters. A mixture of information about human psychology, retail security and design trends gives retail design consultants the necessary background to revitalize your store.

In addition to determining the store’s layout, retail design consultants can offer advice on promotions and merchandising so you reap the most rewards from their work. This may be suggestions for enticing impulse buyers or recognizing when it’s best to display a small selection of products versus packing shelves with merchandise. Overall, retail design consultants are being paid to boost your sales.

Overall, it comes down to how well you’re shaping the customer experience on your own. If people are regularly turned into loyal customers and refer new businesses to the store, you’re doing it right.


How do you choose the right one to hire?

You may be overwhelmed by the thought of choosing a retail design consultant, since it could ultimately be such a major step for your company. As you search for the right one, consider what industries he or she has worked with before, ask to see a portfolio of previous jobs and require a recent reference. Retail design consultants should listen carefully and work cooperatively to combine your vision, brand and personality with a successful and profitable store design. Don’t forget to look for professionals with alternate job titles such as interior designers, visual marketing specialists and merchandising designers, as not every firm markets its employees specifically as retail design consultants.