The Experts from Acticsim Explain: With This Strategy, You Won’t Lose Any Customers

Every business owner knows the importance of customer retention, yet most businesses do not invest a significant part of their budgets and efforts into the cause. That is probably because we believe that acquiring new customers is much simpler, but recent studies show that retaining customers is five times more profitable in average than finding new ones.

That’s why it is important to know how to keep existing customers, and especially how to do it right. Lucky for you, we were able to get inside information on the subject from the CRM (customer relations management) specialists at Acticsim – a leading software tool provider in the field. Here are their golden tips.

Use technology to master CRM.


Acticsim’s software solutions

Just like all other business-related matters, technology can be of great assistance in the process of customer retention. It can simplify procedures and, most importantly, it adds the factor of speedy issue handling to this game. “We planned our software with exactly that in mind,” explained Matthew Rogaway from Acticsim. “No matter how much data it is ordered to store, it will always perform at top speed.”

However, it is not enough for the platform to be speedy. Your CRM staff needs to be quick to react as well, and to master the software you use for that cause. That’s why, when adding new software to your business, you must make sure you receive proper guidance – and that’s exactly what Acticsim’s staff offer, via phone, email and all of their social media networks, where they are quick to respond.

Big data, huge data

Studies show that most customers will opt to leave a service or product provider they regularly work with, after feeling dissatisfaction. This is much more common than customers leaving because of an attractive offer from competitors. That’s why you need to be on top of all of your customers’ questions, requests, issues and complaints at all times.

When there is little to handle, that is easy. But what happens when you are overflowed with it? That’s exactly the point when you need a mechanism for data storage. Rogaway added more on the subject: “Storing the information regarding your clients efficiently is important, but not enough. You also need to know how to prioritize – and, once again, technology can come to the rescue here.”

Make your customers feel you care about them.


Attention, please

This is the most complex part. While software like Acticsim can help you, it cannot replace the human touch – and that’s what your clients are looking for. You need to hire skilled service representatives, or in other words, people persons. They must know how to be attentive to each customer’s needs, and to treat each client the way they would like to be treated. That is true when we’re talking about complaints, but also in general regarding any issue that a client may have.