Different people tend to react differently to residential relocation, with some handling sudden changes better than others. There are some people who breeze through the period of the post-move by going headfirst into new environment and they don’t seem as if they are affected by the scenery changes.
There happen to be some individuals who happen to be in troubles to adapt to the settings which are unfamiliar and require extra time to settle in properly, but they don’t seem to realize that they have become the victims of their post-move phenomenon and get to find their battle techniques on their own to deal with the relocation depression, usually by tackling and facing each issue that attack them one after the other.
But it happens that, there are those who get severely hit by the relocation depressions, struggling in regaining their inner rhythm which is normal and they cannot seem to rediscover the purpose which used to bring meaning to their lives. With that, they will tend to have excessive sleep as it is the most typical symptom of someone having relocation depression.
The following are some of the more typical symptoms of relocation depression which you need to watch out after the dust of the moving boxes unpacking settled down in your new location.
Excessive sleeping
One of the common symptoms of depression is to find that you are sleeping more than the normal time. If you happened to have been used to sleeping 8 hours maximally and your body is fully recharged, then going for 12 hours or even more is an indication that there is something that is not quite right.
Tiredness that is uncharacterized
If you wake up tired and you don’t have the energy even after having a good night sleep, and you start you day in a sluggish painful way as if you have been moving under water, it could be an indicator that you have become a victim of relocation depression.
Unwillingness of leaving the house
Do you find that you are spending a lot of time in your home and you feel reluctant or even fearful stepping out of your house. Do you reject suggestions or invitations automatically to g out and dos something outside your house or apartment? If that is a yes, then you are down with the relocation depression.
Lack of a desire to socialize
If the mere mention or thought of going out to meet new people is unappealing to you and even it makes you afraid, and you tend to prefer to spend time alone, that is a sign of relocation depression.
Apathy that is tangible
You are exhibiting a notable lack of interest to do anything special except watch TV and sleep all day.
It is hard to find out if the symptoms that you have are s a result of the post-relocation anxiety of separation or not. It might be that you are not feeling your normal self because of a medical reason. For you to be able to know if you are under the side effect of a relocation or not, is if you tend to feel ready and re-energized to take the world head on whenever speaking with your old friends or when you have plans to visit your old home.