In the digital world in which we are living getting your online presence right is imperative and getting it seen even more so. Serplogic have put together some SEO tips to get you on the right track.
1. Create a Content Calendar
Keeping up with content creation is the most important aspect of growing and ranking and growth. A content calendar is used to keep this important aspect of your website on schedule. Don’t forget to include the details for social media content as well.
2. Get Your Experts to Plan Keywords
Short add generic keywords are rapidly becoming sidelined in the rush to improve SEO for B2B. The decision makers in businesses want highly specific keywords that will allow them to make the important connections they want. Instead of looking for “business loans”, they will want to find something like “small business loans for startups” or something similar that will lead them to the very thing they are looking for.
This is where your expertise in your business will come into play. Consider the words and phrases that someone will use to find the things you are offering. One good way to find some clues will be to use the Google search engine or look on other authority websites in your industry that can lead you to some good ideas. You can then take your ideas to the Google Keyword Planner or a similar tool that will allow them to find the keywords and phrases with the greatest search volume and less competition. These will be the easiest words to apply to your SEO in 2024.
3. Optimize Metadata
Metadata is an important part of your webpage as it is the information that a search engine will use to understand the content and purpose of your webpage according to Tommy McDonald of SerpLogic. This will be included in the titles, meta descriptions and URLs used on your page. Never forget that simplicity and clarity are the keys here. You want the headlines you use to be clear and enticing for users but also include the descriptive words that will improve the function of your search engines.
4. Make Your Landing Pages Precise and Effective
The better the landing page, the more traffic will be directed to their needs and thus you will create far more conversions for yourself. Each landing page should have a clearly defined purpose and meet the needs of the exact type of visitor that will arrive there. Take some time to reconnoiter the lading pages of your most fierce competition to get some ideas of what really works.
5. Have Plenty of Long-Form Content Up Your Sleeves
Most B2C businesses are fine with using the regular 1000-word posts or shorter. But, for a B2B company you will need something a little more substantial to attract your type of customers. Your customers are looking for information and would rather not have to skim through 20 different posts to find what they are looking for.
You will find that in the long run using a long-form content for B2B marketing is the most effective use. Those with content over 2,000-words have consistently enjoyed better coverage, more shares and back links than those with fewer words.
6. Add Video Content to Your Strategy
Video content is hotter than ever before and there is no reason that your business should be left behind suggests SerpLogic’s Tommy . This is especially true for B2B! Decision makers are busy people and getting all the information they need in a concise video presentation is often the best and most convenient way to absorb and assimilate content.
You can even improve on this idea by adding a transcript of your video content directly on your video or uploading a file to your video page. This is a good idea because the text content allows search engines to provide better rankings.
7. Tailor Keywords to Voice Searches
Voice searches are slowly taking over the internet and they are the most convenient way to find information quickly. This is another thing that busy decision makers in a company will appreciate. To make way for voice search consider making some of your keywords more suitable to voice searches.
This will mean to think in a naturally more conversational tone as people use when they speak as opposed to when they type out their queries in a box. For example, a search query like “Dallas Print Shops” can be adapted to a voice search by using something like “where’s the nearest print shop in Dallas”.