You might require gaming glasses when playing computer games which have increasingly taken their place at the top of activities of adults as well as children during their leisure time. In the past, children used to spend more time playing outside with friends but now, most of their time is spend in front of the screen, enjoying a video game. While the video games might be enjoyable and fun, they at ties create dangers to the eyes.
Whether you are planning to play your games on the computer or on a console that you have hooked onto a TV, the health of your eyes is still at risk. But there are ways which you can use to ensure that you enjoy playing your video games while at the same time, being conscious of the health of your eyes. The following are some of the few tips that you can use in protecting your eyes as you play video games.
Adjust the lighting
Light is known to be quite important when you play video games. It is impossible to have a screen that is too dark, or you will not be able to see properly what is on the screen. But, you also should not have brightness that is very high also. If the light becomes too bright, you might find yourself straining, squinting your eyes in order to see what is on the screen.
The lighting that is in the room where you are playing is also important. You should not play in a dark room as it will contrast between the light on the screen and the room which is around you, causing your eyes to adjust drastically to the new lighting when you look away. Reduce the light which is on the screen and the one around the screen to ensure that your eyes don’t strain or have to adjust whenever you look away.
Step away from the screen
It is the most obvious tip of ensuring that you protect your eyes while you are gaming. It can denote that you increase the distance from the screen to your face or to take a break and look away from the screen for some time. Having to position the screen away from your face is likely to help in reducing the eyestrain and importantly, it will reduce the amount of the blue light heating your eyes, which is known to be quite dangerous.
When you follow the triple twenty rule: looking for at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds after every at least 20 minutes might be an effective way of refreshing and relaxing your eyes. If that is difficult for you to follow, or it seems too frequent, you can try to take a break after every two hours of play. It will allow your eyes to have the opportunity of not being able to focus on any single thing in particular. If you want to prolong the play time, then go for the gaming glasses.