Mathematics is one of most important base of Human life, from making huge buildings to making small chemical combinations, mathematics play a vital role in almost every basic day to day works. National Mathematic Day is celebrated in memory of Srinivasa Ramanujan, one of greatest mathematicians of all time.
National Mathematic day is celebrated on 22nd December every year in honor of birth anniversary of Srinivasa Ramanujan. There is no doubt that why he was a genius and why he is known as God of Maths.
Mathematics is the most important pillar of Human Empire, there is no single task which can be done without help of Maths, either directly or indirectly Maths influences almost everything.
Why it is important to celebrate National Mathematic day?
As mentioned above Maths is the base for everything and hence it becomes very important to aware the upcoming generation about it.
Mathematics is already a primary subject for education but it is also important to aware its people about its importance.
Also, Srinivasa Ramanujan gave everything to Maths, he gave around 3500 mathematical formulas which are used by scientists in today’s work and most of the formulas by him were such complicated that they are still unsolved. He gave this much Maths and Maths became the primary life source and hence it becomes out duty to honor such a genius personality.
The motive behind remembering this day is to tell people about the importance of Maths, the coming generation must know that humanity cannot grow and survive without it.
The fun fact about Maths as a subject is that this is an easy subject for some and absolutely impossible to understand for some. This subject needs aptitude and practicality to understand which makes this subject difficult and easy at same time.
About Srinivasa Ramanujan
The man with magic hands, he gained all the knowledge about at very tender age, he was born on 22nd December, 1887 and died at very young age from Tuberculosis at 26th April, 1920.
Ramanujan had a great interest at this subject from his childhood; due to lack of study materials he used to rewrite his work on already written pages which made difficult for people to understand his work and theories.
People also call him Mysterious Mathematician as his most of formulas and theories were left unproven, even there are many Mathematicians and Scientists which are doing research about his formulas but still most of them are left with mysteries.
On 22nd December 2012, the former Prime Minister of India, Dr Manmohan Singh gave his tribute to Ramanujan and form that day and year India Celebrates this date as National Mathematics Day.