Learn to read the Quran online

For Muslims of all sects, learn quran online and learning about it is practically essential. Therefore, the study of the Qur’an naturally falls on most of them. But at the same time, this situation is not unusual. There are still a large number of Muslims who have not studied the Qur’an and would like to study it! The Internet has opened the door to all kinds of information and learning, and teaching the Qur’an on the Internet is one of them! 

We have assembled an experienced team of qualified teachers who have been teaching the Qur’an for many years and have a strong reputation in the field of teaching. In this way, we have made it easier to study the Qur’an with ease !! Thanks to our unity, from the comfort of your own home, you can read and study the Qur’an at your own pace without any hassle.

With us, both in-depth study and training are possible, as we make all the important “surahs” and “verses” of the Qur’an within your reach with a single click! And it can be online because you can read a lot yourself !!


The stages of reading, reciting, and memorizing (at home) can be achieved permanently if you have the support and guidance of someone who has memorized the Qur’an. In such cases, you can also use some Qur’anic “Surahs” in your daily prayers to get the most out of your online learning lessons.

Let us now turn our attention to the verses of the Qur’an which describe the beginning of the universe and its possible expansion and contraction. There are significant similarities between the revelation of the Qur’an and recent discoveries in cosmology. However, the verses of the Qur’an go far beyond modern cosmology in describing the future of the universe. It can be obtained from us at Quran Online Academy Many years ago, there was a powerful explosion called the “Big Bang.” This is clearly stated in the following verses in the Qur’an.

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

The unbelievers did not know that the heavens and the earth were made of one piece.

We separated them and took them out of the water all our lives

To start your mission of learning Arabic, you can refer to some books on this topic or maybe get a tutor. Books teach you to learn the Arabic alphabet and the different phrases that are often used when speaking Arabic. A teacher can help you understand your pronunciation better. However, audio CDs are provided with books to help you learn more easily. Similarly, there are numerous websites on the Internet to help you pronounce and spell words and phrases related to the language.

Arabic is one of the oldest languages ​​known to man. The Qur’an was originally written in Arabic, and if you want to read the Qur’an and find its essence, you should probably learn this particular language. Similarly, many historical and mythological collections and poems were written in Arabic.