ARIES (March 19 – April 19):
It is important to step back and gain a new perspective upon your life. Sometimes meeting new people or going to a new location can help with this new perspective.
There is a situation about which you do not have all of the facts. Wait until all is revealed before making any important decisions. You are the master of your fate. Your Will can manifest whatever you desire this month.
The Moon is in the sign of Aries on June 25-26 but it afflicts the many planets in Cardinal signs. If you initiate at this time, your endeavor will be fraught with crises. It is best to pick another day if it is that important.
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20):
This is an important month to change your environment in some way in order to gain a new perspective upon your life. This seems to be a theme for this June monthly horoscope. Do not allow life’s stresses to get you down. Stress could affect your health (simple things like a cold, flu or allergies). There is a need for balance and fairness in your life. This is the important lesson for June.
MAY 31-JUNE 1: The Moon is in the sign of Taurus and it only forms favorable aspects. This is the best period. The ending aspects are a conjunction with Venus in Taurus and a trine to Pluto in Capricorn. This is an excellent period for financial and business affairs. The last trine to Pluto indicates assistance from a large group (this could be a financial firm). Repairs or complications must be straightened out before success is achieved.
JUNE 27-29: The Moon is in the sign of Taurus and, from 12pm on the 27th to 2:30pm EDT on the 29th, the Moon only makes favorable aspects. The Moon does cross Uranus on the 27th so the safest would be to wait until the 28th to initiate. This is a favorable aspect for initiating projects and creativity activities (because of the Water signs).
GEMINI (May 21-June 20):
The Old Order will pass from your life this month. It is a letting go cycle for you. Yet, family and social relationships will be quite fulfilling. By month’s end, make plans for the future, especially travel.
JUNE 4: The Moon is in the sign of Gemini and there is a brief period when the Moon approaches Mercury at 29 Gemini – from 9am to 11:30am EDT. The Moon has just opposed Jupiter so there has been some difficulty in over-extending self in some activity or promise. The brief period favors finalizing and ending some mental activity.
CANCER (June 21-July 22):
You will complete an important project early on but it was not be easy. You may have had to do a lot of the work yourself. Change is afoot in June – the dice have already been cast. An awakening occurs – long buried emotions and desires will surface. A great awareness takes place.
JUNE 6: The Moon is in the sign of Cancer and it will make many difficult aspects with crises and oppositions. The better time would be between 5am and 10am when the Moon favors Venus in its ruling sign of Taurus. This is an excellent time for relationships, social contacts and making financial decisions, even making a purchase of a luxury item.
LEO (July 23-August 22):
This is an excellent month for you to treat yourself royally. Yet, there is a need for balance – to do some Soul Searching and a pursuit of spiritual self-knowledge.
As for many others, there is a great transformation occurring this month. The Old Order is passing away. It is time to let go.
The Moon is in the sign of Leo on June 7-early 8. The Moon makes great aspects until around 5pm EDT on the 8th – a social error could cause problems, another proves uncouth or what you started turns out to be too expensive.
VIRGO (August 23-September 22):
You will complete a task but it will not be easy. Do not allow this to make you defensive. A social gathering will prove quite fulfilling this month.
There may be children involved. Yet, the energy this month wants you to work with your intuition and your Higher Self, cultivating a close connection with Spirit.
The Moon is in the sign of Virgo on June 9 but it makes many stressful aspects. If initiating something important, it will be fraught with much instability and misfortunate changes. Pick another day.
LIBRA (September 23-October 22):
You may receive a message regarding money early in the month. In your work or in some important project, you will feel on top and in control.
All is well in this area. However, like many are experiencing this month, there is a need to work on spiritual goals. This is very important. A small meditation group could prove beneficial.
The Moon is in the sign of Libra on June 11 and early on the 12th. The Moon makes afflictions to Mercury-Mars-Jupiter-Saturn denoting a lot of crises and putting out “brush fires” if you initiate at this time.
SCORPIO (October 23-November 21):
This is an excellent month for intense Soul Searching and spiritual investigation. The spiritual path will be a solidary one for you. The aspects favor making plans for the future – travel or education. Everything is about to change for you by month’s end – the dice have already been cast.
JUNE 14: The Moon is in the sign of Scorpio and generally, at this time, the Moon has favorable aspects when transiting a Water sign. Indeed, on the 14th, the Moon only makes favorable aspects to other planets until 3:30pm EDT.
HOWEVER, Mars opposes Saturn so there will be some major frustration or block. From 12pm to 3:30pm EDT, the Moon sextiles Pluto and help can come from some group or organization.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21):
You start off the month of June feeling a bit trapped and uncertain of the next step but this is just an illusion.
Medical issues will be significant this month – medical studies, a holistic health consultation or even healing a relationship. By month’s end, you should be making plans for the future – education, a conference or travel – all are favored.
The Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius on June 15-16 but there are many afflictions culminating in a Full Moon – a separation due to awareness and illumination.
Jupiter in Sagittarius squares Neptune and the Moon triggers this. There can be deception and disappointment connected with anything initiated at this time.
CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19):
This is an excellent month to make plans for the future, often involving travel. There could be a connection with childhood friends, even a childhood sweetheart.
More important, this is a favorable month to cultivate your psychic and metaphysical talents.
The Moon is in the sign of Capricorn from late on the 17th through early on the 19th. However, while there are favorable trends early in this period, the closing aspects from the Moon and Mercury are fraught with crises and oppositions. This is a good month for you but not while the Moon is in Capricorn.
AQUARIUS (January 20-February 17):
This is not a month to go to Uranian extremes – you must be balanced and temperate in all that you do.
There are two people around you who will prove most helpful – one is a successful man in business and the other is a powerful woman whose position in life makes life easy for her.
The Moon is in the sign of Aquarius on June 20-21 but there are too many disruptions and changes. Socializing is OK but, if you initiate anything important, there will be several things that get dropped or people who drop out.
PISCES (February 18-March 19):
The only caution this month is to guard against poor planning. Something may be left behind. A transformation will occur and the old order will pass away. A wish will be granted – MAKE THAT WISH NOW!
JUNE 24: The Moon is in the sign of Pisces and it makes favorable aspects from 7am to 7pm EDT when it favors Pluto, Mars and Mercury.
With the Water element so strong, allow yourself to be guided by intuition. This period favors mental creativity and creativity in business. The final aspect is to Mercury at 28 Cancer so this is a good period for finalizing an important decision or mental activity.