Introduction to identifying the best trainer in any sport


The control of emotions is of great importance for a successful sports leader so that he can spread calm and stability in the hearts of followers, and so that he can give his instructions, advice and decisions to them in a clear and calm tone, especially in situations of violent emotional nature and high psychological pressures.

The successful national sports coach (leader) often encounters many nervous situations that require self-control and the need to control his emotion, as the speed of emotion, anger, nervousness and heart rate are among the factors that contribute to the severe harm to the social work and the educational sports work of the successful leader, as it helps him in Create a negative impact on its influence and influence.

On the other hand, agitation, as they say, is contagious. That is, in the sense that its effect is transmitted quickly, as the emergence of emotions of fear, anxiety, tension and excitement on the successful sports coach will transmit their impact immediately on the followers, and thus the successful sports leader becomes directly responsible for the players’ lack of control over their emotions. 토토사이트

Emotional harmony and emotional sympathy: Affective harmony refers to the feeling and perception of the sports coach. Because of what his subordinate individuals feel and understand their emotions, and a distinction must be made between emotional harmony and sympathy or emotional participation. This is because sympathy means the participation of the successful athletic leader in the followers’ emotions. Any emotional participation and emotional harmony is one of the most essential features for a successful sports leader and a helper for subordinate individuals, as this feature helps the sports coach to understand the needs, tendencies and motives of the subordinate players, as it is not intended to influence them, but to be able to motivate them to produce better They don’t have.

Also, on the other hand, the characteristic of the emotional harmony of a sports leader lies in his communication skills with followers, his ability to understand them, and the sincere inclination and feeling of a successful sports leader towards them, as this matter requires that he work on his gaining their confidence and appreciation, and the relationship between a successful sports leader and individuals Followers are based on respect, affection, love, mutual trust and their feelings are among the most important factors that work on the success of an outstanding athletic leader.

Also, on the other hand, the concept of emotional harmony of a sports leader should be viewed not as a participant of the followers ’emotions in situations of tension, excitement, and emotion such as their emotions in some situations, and this concept should be viewed in terms of the sense of the successful sports leader’s sense of the joys and happiness of his individuals or their personal problems. And all the events or sorrows that befall them, and that all of this be positive and effective.

The ability to make decisions: the ability to make decisions is among the most important features that distinguish a successful and effective sports leader, especially in changing situations that require speed of choice, enact some alternatives, and choose the appropriate and determined alternative in a rational and rational manner, and not in an emotional and emotional manner, and the ability of the leader. The athlete is able to quickly notice various sports situations and judge him in an objective way.

As well as the ability to quickly make a decision by diversifying or changing the set perceptions, or quickly recognizing the error in performance or behaviour, as they are all general and necessary factors linked to the ability to make a decision, and the most important thing is the maximum speed in decision-making, but it must be related to that decision-making Right at the right time. Self-confidence: A successful sports leader is distinguished by his confidence in himself, in his abilities, information, knowledge and experiences; So that it works to gain a strong position among the subordinate individuals, and it also helps them respect him and accept his directives.

Self-confidence helps a successful sports leader make easy decision-making, and accept the opinions of followers without excessive or excessive sensitivity. Also, the self-confident sports leader does not show hesitation, anxiety, or tension in unexpected situations, so that he can easily highlight his point of view to his followers, and convince them of it, and the exaggeration of self-confidence or vanity on the part of the sports leader is among the factors that have the opposite effect on individuals.

Followers, nor does it help them consolidate positive relationships with them. Taking responsibility: Sometimes we find that some sports leaders attribute the reason for achieving failure in some goals to some external reasons or factors, while they may attribute victory, success and victory to them, regardless of the reasons that lead to success or failure; Part of the responsibility falls on the shoulders of the sporting leader, as he must assume the responsibility with a great deal of courage and cooperation.

The active sports leader is also ready to take responsibility at all times, especially in cases of failure, as he seeks to practice self-criticism before criticizing other individuals and the inability to confront the causes that led to such cases, and taking responsibility require the willpower of the sports leader, and the courage to confront the errors resulting And try to make an effort to correct these errors.

Creativity: The ability to achieve creativity and innovation and the use of many modern methods and means in the process of sports leadership, as well as the ability to highlight renewed and innovative types in the various fields of activity and behaviour of followers are among the most important factors that show the ability of a sports leader to creativity, and the routine in issuing Instructions or in shaping the types of performance or behaviour of the followers do not help in developing their abilities and skills, as the sports coach is creative and innovative and not routine and traditional.