Have you put a lot of good content on your blog, but despite this, organic traffic is not coming from Google on your blog? Have you used keywords properly in your blog posts but still your site is not ranking in good position in Google? If so, I can say with a claim what your website needs. In this case, what your website needs is Off Page SEO.
Off page SEO is a very important part of SEO which if we implement well on our site, our site can rank well on Google in no time. So what is this Off Page SEO and how can you do off page SEO of your website, let’s know through today’s article:
- What is Off-Page SEO?
Off page SEO speaks of all the SEO activities that we do after publishing a post.
In easy language,
“The SEO that we do outside the website (ie externally) so that our website ranks high in Google. It is called Off Page SEO”.
For example, we make our website backlinks to other sites in order to rank our website in good position in Google. Also share their posts on social media. All these things are called ‘Off Page SEO’ altogether.
2. How to do off-page SEO?
If left to Link Building for a while, it would not be wrong to say that it is very easy to do off-page SEO of a blog.
The purpose of off-page SEO is to tell Google these 3 things mainly about its site:
- Our website is popular among other (Site Popularity).
- People trust our site (Site Trust).
- The content of our site is great (Content Quality).
If you somehow impress Google with these three things on your website, then Google will definitely rank you on a good position in your search.
So let’s try to know step by step how you can tell Google about these three things of your website i.e. in other words, how you can do off-page SEO of your website.
There are some tried and tested techniques with the help of which you can do off page seo of your site in a very good way. Some such techniques are:
Guest Blogging/Posting – By writing posts on others blogs, we can easily create high authority backlink for our website/blog. For that you have to find relevant blog/website in your niche and offer guest post on those sites. It’s a time consuming process, you can also take expert help in this process of guest posting.
Social Sharing – Sharing your posts on social media is also a part of off-page seo. If more and more people share your posts on sites like facebook, twitter, then this makes Google aware of the popularity of your post and it makes your post reach more and more people.
Online Forums & Communities – By being active in online forums and communities, we can create good backlinks for our blog and also bring a lot of free traffic to our blog.
Question-Answer Platforms – We can seo off page of our website by writing answers on question-answer websites and giving a link to our post at the end of that answer. Also, it brings a lot of traffic to our site.
Blogging Directors (Blog Directories) – Submitting your blog to blog directories improves the off page seo of our site to a great extent.
Backlinking through comments – Many sites in comment section give you the option to add a link to your website with your comment. By going to some such high quality sites related to your niche, you can make a backlink (no-follow) of your site through a comment. But keep in mind write honest comment and do not spam. This may cause damage to your site.
Photo Sharing Sites – By sharing your blog post in photo sharing websites like-pinterest, you can strengthen the social reach of your blog.
Share documents to build backlinks – You can build link to your site by sharing a document (such as an ebook or post written by you) on websites like Slideshare. This gives your site a backlink as well as a huge amount of traffic.
Through video site (Video Sharing Sites) – If you have a Youtube or Dailymotion channel and you put videos on it, then you can give a link to your site in the description of those videos. This makes your site visible to Google and at the same time a lot of people come to your website.
Add to Google My Business and Google Map (Google Map & My Business Submission) – If you have registered any of your business in Google Map or Google My Business, then definitely provide a link to your website in it. This increases Google’s trust in your website.
Tip: Authority, trust and SSL of your website matter a lot in off-page SEO