Since smartphones became too common, the popularity of conventional wristwatches has fallen. However, they did not come out of use, because it is not only a useful thing, but also a fashionable accessory.
The technology manufacturers decided to use a clever trick and combine the two devices. This is how smartwatches appeared on the market, or in English smart watch. The name “smart watch” is also found. They are equipped with the most modern filling and can function as a smartphone or tablet.
Time will show whether it is a fleeting fashion or an invention that has become part of our life. So far, the demand for them is only growing, and there are more and more offers. In order not to get lost in digital technologies, we will learn how to choose a smart watch and what they are for.
What is a Smart Watch?
A smart watch is a wrist gadget that seems like a miracle of technology to an new user. Why are these devices needed? By purchasing them, you are buying a small computer that you will carry on your hand. They will be useful to those who:
- Leads an active lifestyle
- Follows fashion
- For children, so that parents can always control their location, there is a separate class of devices.
The list of their functions is extensive, and we will talk about them in more detail later in the article
There is another similar category of devices: fitness bracelets. They are smaller in size and have a smaller set of applications. Initially, it was understood that such a device would become an invaluable assistant for those who care about their health. You should check out Huawei watch 2 review, as it provides the best features. While the watch is more needed to stay connected and for entertainment. However, the line between them is gradually blurry.
First of all, it is worth understanding how the model you like works. There are samples that are able to function autonomously, and there are those that require mandatory synchronization with a smartphone.
Standalone gadgets usually have a SIM card slot and can answer a call. However, in practice, talking with your wrist to your ear is so-so pleasure. This is the best way out when using a mobile is inconvenient: during training and in extreme conditions. Such objects are popular with divers, swimmers, cyclists and climbers.
Most of the devices are synchronized with the phone via Bluetooth. This provides the following benefits.
- The main load is taken over by the smartphone processor. This means the watch is lighter, cheaper, and lasts longer on a single charge.
- When the corresponding application is updated, the watch parameters also change and improve.
- The device promptly notifies about the changes that have occurred: calls and notifications.
Of course, there are also limitations. The bracelet and cell phone should be close to each other. The maximum distance between them can reach 50 meters, but more often it is 10-20 m. If the connection is broken, then the device cannot be fully used.
Some units are equipped with a PC connection. It is enough to install a special application on the computer, and the information transfer will be carried out automatically.
Now let’s move on to the most interesting: what a watch can do and why they are called “smart”. And they really can do a lot.
We have already talked about the ability to make and receive incoming calls. This also includes a set of SMS and replies in messengers. You can configure the forwarding of notifications from most applications installed on your mobile.
A special group is the collection of data on physical activity:
- Pedometer;
- Calculation of movement speed and distance;
- Calories burned;
- Measurement of pulse and heart rate;
- Injury recovery and prevention program;
- Sleep analysis.
In general, the device monitors all changes in your body. This becomes a reality thanks to the sensors on the device itself. It has a lot to offer, so you can pick the features you want and purchase accordingly.