Fortunately, hemp has finally made a comeback in recent years. The stigmatization that the world’s oldest useful and medicinal plant had to experience since the beginning of plastics production in the early 20th century has been lifted by countless, independent studies. The health value of this nettle-related plant, which grows around the world from Iceland to India, cannot be overstated. The wonderful, nutty taste of the greenish-golden shimmering hemp oil has become an indispensable part of modern cuisine.
What does hemp oil do?
If you ignore the medicinal components of the hemp plant, what does Hemp Oil do? and its effectiveness in the treatment of a wide variety of diagnoses, such as multiple sclerosis, paraplegia, pain, loss of appetite, AIDS and cancer, side effects of chemotherapy, heart disease, nausea, vomiting, glaucoma, epilepsy, asthma, Movement disorders, withdrawal symptoms, depression and numerous other illnesses not dealt with in detail, there are still countless other possible uses with beneficial effects in hemp oil. So please don’t be surprised if you are about to be amazed
Extraction of hemp oil
Hemp oil is obtained from the seeds of the hemp plant and only develops its full aroma and effect through gentle cold pressing. However, the term “cold-pressed” is often used contradicting, because to be able to press the oil out of the seeds mechanically without the use of solvents, they are first carefully heated in many sustainable oil mills. However, this process is completely independent of the pressing process. In the best case, the actual pressing takes place so slowly that no additional frictional heat is generated and the valuable ingredients are fully retained.
Hemp Oil Ingredients
The essential fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6, in particular, are contained in hemp seeds and thus also in hemp oil not only in large quantities, but above all, and this is of the greatest importance, in the correct proportions. In hemp oil there is a favorable ratio of 3: 1, while corn oil has an interaction of 50: 1, sunflower oil of 120: 1, and safflower oil even of 150: 1. But hemp seeds also contain proteins, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
As if that alone weren’t enough, the list of other components of hemp oil is also astonishing: the chlorophyll, responsible for the greenish color, is the life-giving substance that enables cell renewal in the first place. Beta-carotene is essential for the immune system, the rare but indispensable gamma-linoleic acid has an anti-inflammatory effect, and because hemp draws from unlimited resources, its oil also contains an outstanding vitamin content of E, B1, and B2, as well as the minerals phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, manganese, zinc and copper.
Applications of hemp oil
The hemp plant has been sacred to mankind for many millennia. Its versatile use, be it as rope, sack or clothing, as food and medicine for humans and animals, or as an intoxicant in spiritual rites and festivals made hemp an integral part of the life of our ancestors, and the famous peace pipe of the Indians contained it among others Mind-expanding substances also include hemp. The ubiquity of this plant-filled person with the greatest respect for a gift from the gods to nature, of which they saw themselves as a part. Their ubiquity in possibly all cultures around the globe is just as astonishing as it is impressive.
Hemp oil for the skin
The ratio of essential fatty acids in hemp oil (3: 1) almost corresponds to the fatty acid pattern of human skin (4: 1), a biochemical quality that no other oil is known to date has. The property is immediately absorbed into the pores and thereby cleanses, detoxifies, and even out the skin tone. Because the oil of the hemp seeds, which are obtained from Cannabis sativa, the THC-free industrial hemp, is almost identical to the human lipids, it also keeps the deeper layers of the skin supple. For all of these reasons, it works particularly well against dehydration and cracking of the skin and helps restore skin lipids. Gamma-linoleic acid (GLA) is primarily used in the treatment of skin diseases such as neurodermatitis or psoriasis, and hemp oil also supports scar healing. In conventional hemp cultivation, due to the robustness of the hemp plants, no pesticides and herbicides usually have to be used, which is also beneficial for the skin.