SEO is like an ocean because it’s very difficult to find the edges. If you want to get benefits by doing SEO then you have to know the proper way to do it. Though it is very hard to find the starting point of doing SEO.
So, if you worried about SEO strategy and don’t know from where to start then you are in the right place. In this article you will get the real guide of how to make strategy to start a successful SEO campaign by using SWOT analysis.
What is SWOT analysis?
SWOT analysis is a process of knowing your Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats of your company’s or client’s company’s SEO. The SWOT analysis will give you an insight of current positions and idea about future actions.
Still confused? Let’s dive into more details:
Jhon is an ecommerce business owner. He has a great source of good products. Now, he wants to stablish his business and make a good amount of money. He has designed his website through WordPress WooCommerce. He has tried with Google Adwords and Facebook advertisement to reach target customers. Later, he found that he is getting sales after doing advertisement but in the end of the day he is not making any profit because advertising platform is charging so much for the conversion.
On the other side his competitor’s product is not good also they are not spending much on advertising. They are more focused on organic traffics from Google, but they are getting huge sales.
Now Jhon come to take help of an SEO consultancy firm called Seoliquido. The firm take the responsibility to make a cost-effective strategy and actionable plan for him. Here are the results of SWOT analysis of Jhon’s ecommerce store.
SWOT analysis report:
- Good Quality products.
- Website design is not attractive.
- Low quality graphics.
- Poor quality product images.
- No content in the blog page.
- No SEO plugin installed.
- No on page SEO is optimized.
- Website loads too slow.
- Google my business page is not claimed.
- Product keyword difficulty is very low.
- Keyword has good search volume.
- Few competitors in the market.
- Competitors content is very thin.
- Top results website has very few backlinks even some of the them has no backlinks.
- Jhon has good quality products where their competitor product quality is not good.
- Competitors doesn’t claimed Google my business page.
- New competitors are coming soon.
Action Plan:
After deep analyzing by the SEO consultancy firm they have provided an action plan to Jhon. Here is the list of them:
- Redesign the website focused on conversion.
- Graphics quality should be improved.
- Adding high resolution product photos in the product page.
- Writing good related to his products.
- Installing SEO plugin.
- Fixing on page issues.
- Website speed optimization etc.
As Jhon doesn’t know about SEO, so he gave the project to that SEO consultancy firm. And after three months Jhon seeing the profit is coming to his bank. You can also give your company’s responsibility to SEOliquido as they have solutions of all the marketing problems.