Elijah Sommerz recently posted his religious outlook on how he views this current aganada behind the covid-19 pandemic on Instagram a conventionally popular social media outlet amongs whippersnappers , the platform lets users post and or publish free photo and video sharing it is available on Apple iOS, Android and Windows Phone.
People can upload photos or videos to our service and share them with their followers or with a select group of friends.We will dive deeper into the post to decode what he meant by “he’s a free man of the land I’m not a bondservant! “
“Here we are able to share all details about Elijah Sommerz instagram post and we will also give you a rundown on it.”.
Here is the post Elijah sommerz posted
Let’s Go Ahead And Try To Understand It.
Some May Ask What is Freemen-of-The-land?
The Freeman-on-the-land movement (also freemen-of-the-land, the freemen movement or simply freemen) is an independent group of individuals who believe that they are bound by statute laws only if they consent to those laws.
They believe that they can, therefore, declare themselves independent of the government and the rule of law, holding that the only “true” law is their own interpretation of “common law”.
This belief has been described as a conspiracy theory.
(Freemen-of-the-land, the Freemen Movement or Simply Freemen)
Freemen are active in English-speaking countries: The United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand.
In the Canadian court case Meads v. Meads, Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Associate Chief Justice John D. Rooke used the phrase “Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Arguments” (OPCA) to describe the techniques and arguments used by freemen in court, describing them as frivolous and vexatious.
There is no recorded instance of freeman tactics being upheld in a court of law. In refuting each of the arguments used by Meads, Rooke concluded that “a decade of reported cases, many of which he refers to in his ruling, have failed to prove a single concept advanced by OPCA litigants.
Untold Facts About Elijah Sommerz Veneration
Throughout the English-speaking world, an extremist anti government movement comprising unknown thousands of people and numerous particular groups is rejecting the authority of law enforcement, the courts, and banking.
Two such groups that are receiving increased attention from law enforcement and the media are called the Freemen and Sovereign Citizens, and boundaries between these two groups (and several others) are fluid.
Sociologically, Freemen and Sovereign Citizens have their origins back with American racist and radical anti government movements in the 1960s and 1970s.
They gathered greater support during the American farm crisis during the late 1970s and 1980s, and also during an interest-rate crisis in the United States and Canada during the same period.
Psychologically, some members may adopt these groups’ ideologies because of personality disorders that skew the members’ perceptions of self in relation to the world.
A partial, but useful, classification of some extremist antigovernment groups appears in a recent court decision written by a judge in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada for a divorce and matrimonial-property case in which the respondent participated in one or more of the groups. Focusing on the court implications of these groups, Associate Chief Justice J. D. Rooke of the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta called the adherents to the groups “Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Argument (OPCA) Litigants” (Rooke, 2012, para. 1; see Cardwell, 2013).
Rooke’s fivefold classification of the different types of litigants provides a platform from which to identify and discuss a select range of anti governmental beliefs and behaviors associated with these people; but we must keep in mind that no belief or behavior is exclusive to a particular litigant type. Particular adherents move in and out of the fivefold litigant typology.
Origins of the Extremist Antigovernment Movement We have numerous studies of the anti government movement from various social agencies and legal writers; what we now need are ethnographies of members in more of these movements, in which they speak about when and why they became involved.
Until we have this additional information, discussions about the origins of the OPCA anti government movements remain speculative.
What we can do, however, is identify any preceding movements whose doctrines and teachings resemble what appears in the current situation.
The one preceding organization whose doctrines bore striking resemblance to ones held by the contemporary OPCA antigovernment groups is the Posse Comitatus, founded in Portland, Oregon in 1969 by Henry Beach, who had been a member of the pro-Hitler Silver Shirts in the United States during the 1930s (Stern, 1996, p. 50).
Social and Economic Conditions That Might Have Fostered Extremist Anti Government Sentiment
Much of the final quarter of the twentieth century, and then the years in this new millennium, have been strewn with such dire economic catastrophes that capitalism itself has seemed to be unraveling. Within the resulting economic hardships that have hit (especially American) farmers and other ordinary citizens, anti government movements have flourished, giving victims at least some explanation (however inaccurate) of the causes of their plights.
The farming crisis during the 1980s, for example, had multiple causes, and its impact upon rural America was devastating.
Economically and politically, …the years 1981–1986 were a defining period for agriculture in the United States.
During this time, the farm sector experienced its worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s.
The resulting turmoil cost many farm families their vocations, lifestyles, and accumulated wealth. While farm families were the hardest hit, impacts were felt throughout rural communities.
The doctrines that his group developed combined antitaxation with government takeover conspiracies, anti-Semitism, and a virulent hatred of officials above a county level.
Although OPEC litigants and related extremist intergovernmentalism have no chance of receiving legal recognition from any country in which they operate, they are important to study in part because they reveal a segment of the population that is profoundly alienated from society.
In the United States, for example, these people share a deep distrust of federal government with other groups such as the libertarian, Republican-leaning Tea Party members; the former military Oath-Takers (who usually are soldiers who believe that their military oath to defend the Constitution carries over to a civilian obligation to resist illegal federal activities [Sharrock, 2010]); and Patriots and militias (who are preparing for a war with the government [Larizza, 1995–1996; Smith, 1997; Stern, 1996]).
At some point, such virulent opposition to one’s nation potentially disrupts if not undermines the government’s ability to rule.
The judiciary suffers damage; law enforcement becomes even more dangerous; normal commerce and banking is disrupted; and otherwise ordinary people waste portions of their lives studying and producing what one Ontario judge called “all manner of absurdity and silliness” (ODonnell, 2013, n. 4). Their efforts do nothing to address what very well may be legitimate and egregious actions on the part of the state and its agents, since they come across to most people as having left the normal range of reality—an interpretation that, at times, might even be correct in a psychiatric context. If, in their best moments, these litigious, extremist anti government movements identify very real, governmentally involved social, political, and economic injustices, their ineffective but disruptive and often threatening rhetoric and actions simply allow officials to dismiss them.
Amadeo, Kimberly. 2014. Savings and Loan Crisis. About News (1 p.). Retrieved from http://useconomy.about.com/od/ grossdomesticproduct/p/89_Bank_Crisis.htm American Psychiatric Association. 2013. Diagnostic and statistical manual v. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing. Anti-Defamation League. 2005. Sovereign citizen movement (8 pp.). Retrieved from http://archive.adl.org/learn/ext_us/ scm.html?xpicked=4 Anti-Defamation League. 2010. The lawless ones: The resurgence of the sovereign citizen movement: An Anti-Defamation League special report, August 9, 2010. Available online at http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web &cd=1&ved=0CCAQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.adl.org %2Fassets%2Fpdf%2Fcombating-hate%2Flawless-onessovereign-citizen-movement-2010.pdf&ei= aO4zVKbUGYWkyATr7oGYDw&usg=AFQjCNGyas1M8IKQ5 KeCML3vOJpc2okwlw&sig2=dExPXIeTJ60OIrX8mYSMw&bvm=bv.76943099,d.aWw Authority of the tax office questioned (8 pp.). n.d. Retrieved from http://www.gwb.com.au/gwb.news.multi/tax.html Barnett, Barry J. 2000, Spring. The U. S. farm financial crisis of the 1980s. Agricultural History, 74(2), 366–380. Bell, Stewart. 2010, October 29. Who are Canada’s “Freemen”? National Post. Retrieved from http://www.nationalpost.com/news/ Canada+freemen/3748349/story.html Calbrese, Maria. 2012, February 1. Squatters blame cult for their crimes. QMI Agency. Retrieved from http://cnews.canoe.ca/ CNEWS/Crime/2012/02/01/19325621.html?cid=rssnews Captain’s blawg: The rule of “Oleron Law”? 2011, November. Law Society Gazette (Ireland) (p. 64 in PDF file). Retrieved from https://www.lawsociety.ie/News/Gazette/Search-GazetteArchive/?filters=q_November+2011 Cardwell, Mark. January 2013. The “scourge” of unrepresented litigants. Canadian Lawyer. Retrieved from http://www.canadianlawyermag.com/4463/The-scourge-ofunrepresented-litigants.html Carlhoff, Hans-Werner. 2013. A new kind of cult? The “Reich citizens” movement and their ideological/philosophical background.” Paper presented at the European Federation of Centres of Research and Information on Cults and Sects (FECRIS) conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, May 30, 2013. Chard, Ian. 2011, November 10. “Sovereign” citizens .
Elijah Sommerz Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Capricorns are said to be age backwards: Having already endured hardships,
Capricorns become increasingly youthful, optimistic, and playful as they mature. Indeed, inside every earnest Capricorn is a mischievous troublemaker (in tarot, Capricorn is symbolized by the “devil” card).
Though this earth sign may seem a bit conservative and restrained at first, Capricorn’s closest friends and lovers know that these sea goats love to party.
A cardinal sign, Capricorn is excellent at taking action and launching initiatives. Capricorn’s can-do attitude leads to success in pretty much any industry.
While they’re terrific leaders, they must be also mindful about their workaholic tendencies.
It’s important for Capricorn to maintain a healthy work-life balance and avoid treating their friends and partners like their assistants.
Elijah Sommerz Ready to Kick Off 2024
Despite the recent pandemic, the young rapper is pretty positive and exciting about the coming year ahead.
While the current year is out of touch for him, he is ramping up to explode at multiple live events, trade shows, conferences, and music events. And, he is all set to engage with his fans and people from all walks of life. Apart from his passion for music, he has several businesses in his portfolio and invested in real estate properties as well.
For the coming year, he wishes the year to be blessed with fortune and financial strength to everyone. And, he is ready to make the year memorable with his passion and love for music within.
Don’t Forget: