Digital Marketing: The latest Strategies that will help your agency in 2024

It is an unquestionable fact that in today’s era, most business owners are promoting their businesses, products, and services using digital marketing tactics. There are many types of digital marketing strategies available today in which this article will detail. The majority of these strategies are fundamentally appropriate and may be effective for your business. Let’s begin with the 101’s of digital marketing.

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing refers to online marketing strategies, assets, works, and efforts. There are a lot of social networking sites and online tools such as PPC advertising, Paid Search advertising, search engine optimization, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, which ultimately results in a successful business online.

II. Common types of digital marketing strategies

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization is an attempt to optimize your website so that it is more easily found in search results. Search results on Google are the main source of traffic for most business websites. Your website can be more easily found on search engines by applying SEO techniques. There are 2 SEO techniques, namely on-page SEO and off-page SEO. When evaluating a site, the search engine will look at on-page (things about your website) and off-page (how popular your website is). Your ranking category will be determined by on-page aspects. Ranking in the search engines will then be determined by the off-page factors. In the on-page SEO, tips that are usually given include page loading speed, content, external links, titles, and descriptions. While off-page evaluation tends to give tips on link building, social media marketing, content marketing, and social bookmarking.

2. Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Social media marketing is the activity of promoting products, businesses, and services on social media platforms using certain strategies. The true center of social media marketing lies in its strategies. Anyone can create a business account on social media and then create content without a well-planned strategy. Although, you’ll need to do some research in order to be able to choose which social media channels are most suitable for your business. You will also need to set clear goals and metrics to measure success. For larger goals and broader audiences, it is common to hire a social media agency to help implement the social media strategy.

3. Pay Per Click (PPC)

PPC is short for Pay per click, this is one of the internet marketing models in which advertisers pay for every ad that is clicked on by a targeted audience. Generally, a PPC campaign is utilized by large companies such as Google, Facebook, and Instagram. Pay per click is an ad model suitable for today’s users, considering that the majority of Indonesia’s population is connected to the internet. In addition, this advertising model is also more effective, efficient, and more economical than previous conventional advertising models. There are various options for creating PPC ads such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads.

4. Content Marketing (CM)

Content marketing is a strategy that incorporates planning, creating, and distributing content with the aim of attracting the right target audience, thus encouraging users to become customers. Your content must be useful, relevant, and consistent. In other words, you must not ignore the importance of creating quality content that is authentic. If your business is about restaurants, then you need to make quality content that is closely related to the restaurant. You also need to consider if your content is useful for the target audience. You need to create priority scales that contain relevant and useful topics for the target audience as well. Relevance and usefulness are two important factors that need to be taken into account when initiating a content marketing strategy.

5. Email Marketing (EM)

Email marketing is a marketing tactic done by sending commercial messages such as newsletters and promotions via email. The first person to send out an email marketing campaign was in 1978. Since then, the use of email has been known as one of today’s most effective marketing tools. Email marketing is a great tactic to build a strong relationship with audiences and clients. Email works well because it allows a business owner to deliver targeted and personalized content.

The above-mentioned five digital marketing strategies have been proven to increase the effectiveness of sales and profits for online businesses.

III. The Advantages of digital marketing

Now, the world has come to an era where all business, information, and lifestyle sectors are supported by digital technologies. Almost all aspects of our lives have become digitized. Digital marketing plays a very significant role in today’s business realm. Digital marketing can bring exuberant profits to your online business, that is if it’s done rightly. Here are the 5 common advantages of digital marketing.

1. Cost-effective

Promoting business, products or services via digital marketing mediums has been proven to be cheaper than conventional promotions that use print or television broadcast media. Usually, the conventional promotion provides one-way communication, while digital marketing offers two-way communication that enables both marketers and audience to have good interaction. There are many online marketing tools such as social media platforms that don’t require payment. That means, it is a free marketing tool. All you need is some research and some plans in order to set up a great strategy. If you have a larger budget you can create ads, for effective implementations you can consider hiring a digital agency.

2. Realtime

Digital marketing allows you to be able to evaluate your marketing efforts and calculate how many visitors get access to your site, how many audiences engage with your business, as well as how many clients you get. You can make your own targeted audience to whom your marketing and promotional activities are intended for. Digital marketing also allows us to implement campaigns or advertisements quickly. You don’t have to wait for months to get approved. The benefits of real time marketing is that you can get the results instantly.

3. Easily draw your audience

Advanced digital marketing tools are equipped with some powerful features that can be used effectively to get the attention of the targeted audience. Digital marketing allows you to create quality content, share useful information and interact with the audience. In this way, you will be able to attract your audience’s attention and draw them in to get in touch with you. In short, creating useful, relevant, and consistent content will help aid more traffic to your site.

4. Build a stronger business connection

With today’s advanced digital marketing tools, we can interact more in cyberspace with customers who immediately respond quickly to customer requests in conversation and reach potential customers. Because there is so much potential to achieve greater results and more targeted customer segments.

5. Easily determine your targeted markets

A market consists of hundreds and even thousands of customers, and in many ways they are different from one another. These differences entail needs, purchasing power, geographical location, buying habits and buying characteristics. Advanced digital marketing allows you to choose your own targeted markets which you think can bring more profits.

In conclusion, many marketers prefer to use a mix of tools and strategies rather than using just the one. Digital marketing has been proven to bring large profits and benefits for both sellers and buyers. Digital marketing can be applied to both small- and large-scale businesses. What are you waiting for? Start the success of your online business with digital marketing now.