Bring a Rowing Machine into Your Home Workout

Throughout the past year, several people have been spending more time at home than ever. Looking for ways to keep yourself busy and sane can start to become difficult. There is one activity that can boost your mood and keep you busy at the same time and that is exercise. Exercising can help you keep a positive mentality by releasing endorphins and keeping you motivated.

If you have had a home workout routine for a while, it might be time to look for a new addition to your normal routine. It is important to switch things up to keep you from getting bored and losing motivation. If you are searching for a new piece of equipment to add to your routine, you should consider a row machine.

A row machine allows you to get in a full-body workout by incorporating cardio and strength training. You will be working 86% of the muscles in your body and it is easy to use no matter what your fitness level is!

Benefits of Rowing

Being stuck at home can make it difficult to get an effective cardio workout in. The best way to get around this is to purchase your own cardio machine for your home. Rowing is a great way to get in a killer cardio workout to burn as many calories as possible in a shorter amount of time.

A row machine is typically a smaller piece of equipment compared to other cardio machines making it easier to store in smaller spaces. So, what are some of the amazing benefits you will get from rowing?

Full Body Workout

A row machine is a great cardio exercise that works your entire body at one time. The muscles that will be worked with this machine include your lower body, arms, your whole back, your core, and upper body. You will be working at least 86% of your body in one workout with this one machine.

Low Impact

If you have a difficult time keeping up with high-intensity cardio, a rowing machine might be just what you are looking for. It is low impact and puts very little to no strain on your body. That makes rowing ideal for beginners, those with joint pain, seniors, and athletes who need to be careful with their bodies.

Rowing has even been proven to benefit those who are recovering from some kind of injury. This is because it allows them to stay physically fit without putting any stress on the injury.

Cardio and Strength

Rowing can check both of these boxes of your daily workout. Due to the fact that there are so many muscle groups being worked at once, you are toning your muscles while burning calories at the same time. This is a great combination for any weight-loss journey.

No Weight Needed

Even though this machine is a great strength training tool, it does not require that you support your bodyweight. This is also beneficial for those who need a low-impact cardio workout.


If you are looking for new ways to spruce up your workout routine, you should consider adding a row machine to your home equipment. This machine allows you to get a full-body workout with very little impact. That makes this machine great for everyone to use.

You will be able to appreciate a row machine whether you are buying it for the low-impact cardio or the full-body workout. The machine is efficient and easy on your body, so you will be able to see results in your fitness journey no matter what your experience is.