The joy and excitement of having a YouTube channel lasts shorter than most can imagine. For soon after producing the best quality videos, with potential not only to inform and engage but also go viral, soon follows the pain of promoting your channel. With over 300 hours of video posted every minute, it calls for one to be both creative and at pace with changing trends and times in order to be ahead of the rest.
With Youtube being so crowded, Youtubers need to continuously find and employ new ways to remain ahead. For this reason, content producers need to ask themselves questions such as why should you choose me? How will they even find me?
If you are asking yourself this questions already, then you’re on track to achieving the much needed traffic. This will in turn translate to million plus subscribers and thousands of views. To achieve this however, one needs to follow these 5 simple steps on how to promote your YouTube channel.
Use paid promotion campaigns.
Producing great content, continuously sharing it on social media platforms may not be enough promotion for your channel. Your content may reach and amaze your audience, go viral and but fail to convert your visitors to subscribers. This is where paid promotion campaigns come in.
Paid promotions campaigns involve paying marketers to promote your channel. At the start they may be costly. The cost however depends on who you use, your target audience, time ads should run and budget. In the long run though, paid promotion campaigns have proven to be a great way of getting your channel noticed.
The greatest advantage to this form of promotion is that it has the potential to reach a large audience, generate qualified traffic and greatly grow your client base.
Use engaging must see titles.
The secret to capturing, sustaining and converting potential visitors lies on how catchy, appealing and informative your title is. The title is your single most important marketing tool. This is because it determines as to whether a visitor clicks and goes on to watch your video. Well written and formatted titles significantly promote both your YouTube channel and videos.
To make titles engaging and eye catching use titles such as top 10 most viewed and 2024 (present year) most watched videos. Other alternatives include using catchy phrases such as unique, incredible among others.
Such titles stir up the audience’s curiosity and are bound to get attention from you-tubers. Additionally, brief, self-explanatory and marketable titles should have 40 to 70 characters. This is because they have been found to attract more traffic than longer titles.
So invest in crafting catchy and engaging titles either by using experts such as vidorange.com or online tools such as backlinko.
Produce what your target audience is looking for.
Presently Youtube has more online presence when compared with most blogs and websites.
This may be attributed to basic psychology of most people preferring visuals to static block words.
For this reason, most people will choose to watch a video as opposed to reading lengthy articles. Content producers therefore should ensure that the content they put out there is what their audience is searching for.
Youtube content producers customize their content to best fit potential client’s needs. To best target content that will draw traffic, one should employ best SEO practices or employ the services of professional SEO experts, with proven track records such as vidorange.com.
Share videos on other social media platforms.
you can use sites like textsheet to manage your youtube data.
True, YouTube may be a giant in terms of market reach and number of users. But other social media platforms such as Facebook, twitter and Instagram too have the potential of generating additional traffic to your YouTube channel.
It is profitable therefore to periodically share links or videos posted on your channel with your followers on such platforms. Such strategies have the potential of converting some if not all of your followers to huge fans.
Additionally, this can be a source of referrals for your channel. Should you decide not to use your accounts, you can always seek the services of vidorange who have established networks of followers with the potential of reaching people across the world.
Collaborate with established brands.
It is given that you won’t be the only person producing content within a given niche. Some niches may be less crowded and less competitive than others. Some producers may be ahead of you or even behind you in promotion. It is beneficial therefore to make mutual agreements between producers to help promote similar content.
The key to beneficial brand collaboration lies in finding the perfect partner. This should be producers with whom you share a vision and niche. They however should have established brands and with sizable online presence. Such interdependent collaborations have a higher chance of generating more organic traffic to your channel.
The list although in exhaustive outlines the top 5 most promising ways to promote your YouTube channel. It is worthwhile to note that each of the techniques have disadvantages when used independently but have a much higher chance when used simultaneously.