Our Video Streaming Servers use the best technologies to make your direct streaming through your direction in live mode and in HD. Compatible with OBS / Wirecast / Mbstudio / Manycam and all video streaming direction compatible with RTMP live streaming.
Output stream in H.264 compatible with all browsers and operating systems (Win, Mac and Linux), Apple devices (Iphone, Ipad and Ipod Touch), Android and BlackBerry for high definition video streaming in HLS format.
Through our Video Streaming Servers you can broadcast your live videos also from Mobile (Android / IOS) using the free GoCoder software available for both Android and IOS platforms.
The maximum users who can connect to your live stream are tied to the chosen plan.Slots indicate the maximum users who can connect to your stream at the same time.
If you need “unlimited” maximum users you can evaluate the purchase of our “Hybrid-CDN” plans.
The Hybdrid-CDN service allows you to have UNLIMITED users by purchasing the additional traffic that best suits your needs. You no longer have to worry about reaching the block imposed by the basic service in terms of SLOTS, so you can reach all your users without problems.
Our Hybrid-CDN service includes more than 50 data centers around the world. The additional traffic will be managed by our servers guaranteeing you UNLIMITED users.