Copper is the best metal in the kitchen due to its excellent heat transfer and great durability. that is why copper kettles are used so commonly .
In addition, it is a natural antibacterial , since due to its characteristics it is very hostile for microorganisms to survive in it.
Regarding conductivity, copper absorbs heat and distributes it evenly , so that cooking of food is very even, with some areas not cooking more than others.
This feature gives the cook the best control and allows him to practice almost all culinary techniques such as frying, sealing, sautéing, browning, reducing and braising.
It is also particularly useful when preparing a delicate sauce since it provides greater control by transmitting the cold very quickly and thus prevents it from overheating and cutting.it is the best kettle.
Furthermore, due to its high conductivity, it does not need to be subjected to high temperatures to cook properly, nor does it need to be preheated before cooking. In fact, the ideal is not to subject it to temperatures above 220ºC.
So, although initially a copper cooking utensil is more expensive, in the long term it will be a great investment due to energy savings and long life .
Regardless of the metal kitchen utensils are made of, the most solid are always the thickest or thickest. With copper, the density and weight are particularly important, since a thin copper coating is something really decorative , because a minimum of 1.5 mm thick is needed for proper heat conduction.
So if you fall in love with a copper frying pan, always ask if it is used for cooking, you will not take the horrible surprise that it deforms when heated and only serves to present you.
On the other hand, although copper has many advantages, it is important to keep in mind that it can create toxic reactions when it comes into contact with food (especially acids) .
These reactions cause the oxidation of copper to occur, appearing the “verdigris” (copper acetate), which is the characteristic greenish layer that is toxic to the body, if ingested.
For this reason, currently, the copper utensils in which you are going to cook must have an internal coating of tin, stainless steel or even silver.
This will ensure you can enjoy the best of copper without danger to your health.
Besides, a good copper utensil, taking care of it a minimum, will give service not only for a lifetime, but also for the following generations.
For this, it is best to use metal- specific cream polishers that restore the original appearance of copper surfaces, when dealing with coated utensils. These cleaners will facilitate the task of having your copper utensils in perfect condition.
Conversely, if they are useful without a coating, it is best to hand wash the container with mild soap and water after use and dry thoroughly before storing.
So now you know, if you want a good copper utensil, look for it to comply with everything we have just told you or stop by to see us so we can show you more about them.