A description of mechanical switches and their parts

Mechanical switches refer to the mechanisms that are installed beneath each key on your best razer gaming keyboard to determine how keystrokes are activated on it. There are three kinds of switches, that is, linear, clicky, and tactile switches. Even though these switches work differently, they all have the same components making them. The main parts are the keycap, stem, upper housing, cross-point contact, and the coil spring. Each part has a special function it does to contribute to the level of tactile feedback you get when you press a key.

In this article, I will provide a description of the various parts of switches and how they function to give you the convenience and comfort you enjoy when gaming.

The keycap and the stem

Strictly speaking, the keycap doesn’t constitute part of the switch. However, it is better if we talk about it because it is partly responsible for the sound you hear whenever you bottom out keys. The keycap forms the part of the key that you make contact with when you are typing or gaming. It is the uppermost and outermost part of the key.

The stem of the switch is what determines the actuation and travel distance. The stem is usually shaped differently depending on how much travel distance is required and how actuation is supposed to happen. There are shapes that reduce the travel distance and those that increase it.

The upper housing and the coil spring

The upper housing functions to provide protection to the stem. It ensures that when the gamer applies pressure by pressing a key, it does not damage the stem of the switch.  Another function of the upper housing is to guide the stem. The stem moves up and down when it is pressed. When it moves, it has to be guided so that it does not miss.

The coil spring usually determines how much force you will need to apply on the key in order to actuate it. If the coil spring is tough, it means that you will need more force just to actuate a key. Such tough coil springs are suited for people who have large fingers and use a lot of force when they press keys. Another function that the coil spring plays is to guide the switch so that it can slide back to its initial position after bottoming out.

The base housing and crosspoint contact

The base housing provides the platform for mounting the upper housing. It is also the piece that attaches the PCB to the clips. The crosspoint contact refers to the tiny metal where electricity flows. The crosspoint contact can be any metal even though gold is one of the most commonly used metal. What happens when you press a key is that the contact mechanism hits the PCB, closing the switch circuit. This is what causes a key press.

There are several other switches and they all work differently. In order to learn how they work, you can check out the internet for videos, articles, and images to learn more.