Marijuana is banned on a federal level in the United States for any purpose, including adult recreational and medicinal use. Cannabis is classified as a “Schedule I” prohibited substance, which means it has high tendencies for substance abuse and no accepted medical value. Despite the federal prohibition, most states in the United States have legalized it for medicinal or adult use. In 2013, the Justice Department stated that it would not file a lawsuit to overturn state-level cannabis legalization if states enacted restrictions to prevent underage sales, interstate transporting, gang activities, and cannabis-related accidents and violence.
The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 criminalized cannabis throughout the United States. However, while cannabis is still illegal on the federal level, most states have authorized the use and sale of medical marijuana, and a growing number are considering the legalization of cultivation for recreational use. It’s still very difficult and expensive to get into the cannabis business. Because of this, companies that provide cannabis license services expedite the process by aiding in the cannabis license application process and help secure the necessary business permits for cannabis sales.
A Quick Overview: The Cannabis Industry in the US
The increasing number of states that legalize marijuana also benefited the cannabis industry, especially businesses. According to recent data, 35 states legalized marijuana, and 16 of these allow recreational use. The cannabis industry opened more possibilities for commercial availability, which resulted in a rise in job opportunities, tax income, and export investment potential over time. These also opened the path for the country’s overall economic benefits to improve.
Top 6 US Soils Where Cannabis Plants Can Thrive
While many marijuana users are content just to buy marijuana from the market, others still choose to get work done and cultivate their cannabis plant. While this might be a difficult task, there are steps you can take to make it easier on yourself. One best way is to choose an appropriate state to reside in. Based on both climate and legality, these are the seven best states to cultivate marijuana:
- California
Changing temperatures are not an issue in California because it is warm and sunny all year. Also, it is entirely legal to cultivate your own marijuana plant in your backyard.
- Nevada
Warm weather is ideal for marijuana cultivation; therefore, Nevada fits the plant’s needs perfectly. Nevada also belongs to the states that legalize marijuana; therefore, you are good to go.
- Oregon
Places that are not too hot in the summer and not too cold in the winter are ideal for outdoor marijuana cultivation. Oregon is widely famous for its massive woods, and it is because the state’s growing conditions are ideal for all plants, including marijuana.
- Washington
Washington has a climate similar to Oregon, making it an ideal site to produce marijuana. It is famous for having a lot of rain, which is not ideally beneficial for marijuana plants. As a result, you need to figure out a means to keep it from becoming too wet.
- Massachusetts
It does not get too hot in Massachusetts, and it also does not receive too much rain. Because of the frigid winters, you will not grow marijuana for the entire year like you can in other countries, but the rest of the year is beyond ideal.
- Michigan
Marijuana is not as rain-friendly as the other crops, so you must keep an eye on your water levels at all times. As long as you are a certified medical patient, Michigan is the only state in the region that permits you to cultivate your own cannabis.
In addition, behind California, Kentucky and Tennessee are known to have the most marijuana cultivated outdoors in the United States, despite being considered illegal. These states have all of the benefits of the Midwest. They have fertile soil, ideal temperatures, and access to fresh water. They also do not struggle with frigid winters or excessive summer rainfall.
What Do You Need to Grow Cannabis
Growing cannabis plants should not be complicated since their needs are just as similar as any other crop. However, below is the list of some essential equipment that you need to have if you wish to cultivate healthy cannabis plants
- Tent
You have to control your plant’s growth environment as possible when growing cannabis indoors. And the easiest method to do so is to grow your plants in a tent where you can manage variables such as temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, air movement, ventilation, and more.
- Humidifiers and Dehumidifiers
To grow healthy cannabis plants, it is essential to monitor the humidity of the environment. Cannabis plants have varying levels of humidity during their different life cycle stages. For example, cannabis seedlings need high humidity levels of at least 65% to 70%. While growing, the humidity levels needed may lower by 5% each week. During the full vegetative development, the plant’s environment should have not more than 40% humidity. Maintaining the humidity level using humidifiers and dehumidifiers may prevent the plant from developing mold during its flowering season.
- Fan
Maintaining good air quality and circulation is also essential. Using fans, the air can move throughout the entire growing environment. These can also help prevent mold, plant diseases, and pests.
- Thermometer and Hygrometer
Two of the most significant environmental factors for growing cannabis plants are temperature and humidity. Monitor the two parameters using a thermometer and hygrometer to grow the best harvests for your cannabis plants.
How Can You Market Your Cannabis Business?
Due to varying restrictions and state-specific marijuana cultivation and sales policies, most businesses are motivated to revise traditional marketing styles. However, the most favorable factor is that the continuous changes and expansion of marijuana legalization for both medical and recreational purposes also increases the potential to generate incredible amounts of market growth and profit.
For cannabis businesses, social media can appear to be a minefield since it becomes more difficult to dissect the information to be published. Social media posts can boost the market, but they can also lead most pages to account suspension due to online violation of rules. As a result, cannabis businesses are generally advised not to run paid or sponsored advertisements on social media sites, but that does not necessarily mean that you cannot make the organic reach in favor of your business. Some platforms that have large audiences and potential marketing reach include Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Their anticipated benefits include a high-value audience and large virtual communities. These platforms can also help your business to educate people about the cannabis industry.
As part of the cannabis industry, the key point that you must always consider is utilizing social media to educate your customers before selling the product. Consider their preferences and levels of knowledge, then write content that will appeal to them. Latest news, informative visuals, and online links are relevant ways to provide information, including the products and equipment that you use for your production and sales.
Is it Legal to Ship Cannabis Across State Lines?
Marijuana is still considered illegal under federal law. It necessarily means that transporting medical marijuana across state lines may be subject to federal sanctions and legal consequences. Each state regulates medical cannabis differently. Most states have decriminalized medicinal marijuana and now allow its possession and usage under the supervision of a physician. The federal government, on the other hand, regulates interstate travel. As a result, any activity considered legal in your own state may be punishable by federal laws when you cross state boundaries. Even if you have a marijuana prescription or a medical marijuana card from your home state, you cannot move marijuana to another state. To avoid the penalty, transferring marijuana from one state to another requires a federal permit.