Almost every pregnant mother around the world feels her pregnancy will go on forever, but as we know that the maximum you can reach is a few more weeks after your due date. Those 280 days might seem long, but they are just enough to help you get things ready before your baby comes. Here are some useful ways to prepare for your baby’s arrival.
Birth Process
Learning about the birthing process is a choice, but knowing the basics can help you a great deal. By research just the basics of different types of birthing processes, you can easily determine which one is right for you.
Even if you are not ready to take on full details we suggest that when you get to the midway of your pregnancy, you should start taking birthing classes that help learn more about the different stages of labor, labor pain management options, breathing techniques and recruitment used during the process.
You do not have to wait after your baby is born to start looking for a good pediatrician. It’s best to start asking around for recommendations while you are pregnant. This way you can research and find a pediatrician that is a good fit for you. If you are insured we suggest you talk to your health insurance provider and check which pediatricians are covered in your policy.
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Your labor partner plays a huge role in the process and must be kept in the loop at all times. To avoid any conflicts at that time, it’s best to discuss the process and your expectations beforehand. This way you will not run into any trouble, and the process will go as smoothly as possible.
Moreover, if you have family or friends helping you through the process, now would be a great time to manage the help they are offering. Talk about how you can divide household duties, and baby duties to ensure a smooth few months.
Hospital Bags
The rule of the thumb is to pack for a c-section even if you are expecting a natural birth. This way you will have all that you need carefully packed and ready to go when the time comes. Since you never know when labor starts, it’s best to keep a bag packed for you, for the baby, and one for your husband/partner. Setting these bags near the front door ensures you can just grab and go when the time comes. In addition, do not forget to get a nice present for wife to thank her for delivering the precious baby!
Prepare Kids & Pets
A new baby might agitate your current kids or pets. Keeping in mind that the newborn will be getting most of your attention and time in the first few weeks. Fortunately, you have a few good months to prepare your kid(s) and pet(s) before the child arrives.
You can start with a baby doll to help them understand what to expect, and how to act around the newborn. Coming together as a family can help you spend more time together, while you float the idea of a new addition. Moreover, some hospitals offer a sibling class that helps older siblings learn more about the process.