Buy the best dollhouses for your kids and let them engage in imaginative play, boosting their motor power, creativity, and social skills. Dollhouses have always been a popular toy for girls, since ages. The gorgeous miniature dollhouses, with several accessories, little dolls, decorative knick-knacks, furniture pieces, etc. are extremely entertaining and fun to play with. Dollhouse bought from the Little Barbie Dollhouse comes with all these accessories, making sure you don’t have to buy them separately. Not only can girls, but even small boys can have fun playing with them. The best part is dollhouses not only provide them with fun and entertainment, but also are a source of learning. They greatly aid in the development of young children.
Below given are some ways in which dollhouses have found to helpful in the overall growth of the child:
Boosts children’s imagination
We have already mentioned that playing with dollhouses helps your children engage in an imaginative play. It further boosts their social, cognitive, and emotional skills. It also helps them nurture their communicational and creative abilities, thus helping them learn how to solve problems. Have you ever wondered how so?
According to an article written by Susan Scheftel, Ph.D., playing with a dollhouse enables kids to create imaginative stories and narratives which can impact their real life. The professor also stated that throughout the game, children express their thoughts and feelings, which makes them more vocal eventually. This greatly helps them to work on their emotional problems if any.
It develops their social skills
You must be knowing that the entire play is between various characters, who interact with each other in the form of dialogues. These characters are various people who reside in the dollhouse. Now, to connect with everyone, children need to develop communication skills. Only that will enable them to live in harmony with the other people inside the dollhouse. This sense of cooperation is especially helpful when children start going to school.
If your child is facing difficulties in coping with the new school environment and new people, letting him/ her play with a dollhouse is a good way to overcome the hurdle. As they create Various scenarios and circumstances, they nurture their creativity. These stories help them understand how to communicate with people in real life in various social situations.
It develops their vocabulary and verbal skills
Besides teaching them social communications, children can also work on their vocabulary with the help of dollhouses. By narrating different situations and stories, taking place inside the dollhouse, they are nurturing their verbal skills. Throughout the play, they have to converse with others, describe certain scenarios, objects, rooms, etc. which ultimately boosts their verbal capability.
It improves his fine motor skills
Dollhouse is a complete set consisting of various objects and accessories. These objects need to be transferred to different areas within the dollhouse. Playing with these tiny things can be a good way to enhance a child’s motor skills. The most amazing part of this play is how it grows the idea of spatial relationships in a child’s mind. As children learn to fit in with one another in a certain space, they understand mathematical concepts easily.
As a dollhouse has several parts like the furniture, accessories, dolls, etc. playing with dollhouses can help children develop their motor skills while they rearrange the interior of the house or rearrange things in a better way. Every time they do that, they learn better ways to rearranging things. If you are looking for a good quality dollhouse providing company, The Little Dollhouse Company is worth your attention. It delivers premium quality dollhouses along with its furniture and other accessories.
It fosters their creativity
We have been saying that playing with dollhouses requires your child to make up creative narratives and stories. The more interesting the plot is, the more fun it gives. The child has to imagine various situations that the residents of the dollhouse might face. Accordingly, the child also has to come up with rescue plans. For instance, the family is having dinner or the kids are enjoying outside the house. Throughout the dollhouse play, the children put together pieces of their daily life and give them an ending of their choice. Hence, it’s their game that they can customise and create as they wish to. In every way, this game is making them more creative. Starting from pretending daily life situations to giving them an end, they are doing it alone.
Open-ended game
There are a variety of open-ended toys available in the market, the dollhouse being one of them. As kids start to play with dollhouses, they gradually learn that it’s not necessary to stick to the components only. They can take any random object and make use of them during the play. Using various tiny objects, they can upgrade their dollhouses. They can also decorate it using various decorative items. Hence, it’s an open end game, allowing the kids to play as they want to. The game doesn’t come with any specific rules or guidelines. As is rightly said, “inside the dollhouse, there exists an infinite number of configurations to be explored and stories to be narrated”.
Makes them punctual
Usually, kids makeup stories involving their morning routines, work throughout the day, lunch and dinner time, etc. They make the little dolls bath, have meals, etc. All these activities have a fixed time. Kids playing these games have to follow a strict time. This also makes them understand how important it’s to get things done on time. Thus the dollhouse play makes kids punctual in the long run.
Above all these, the greatest benefit of buying a dollhouse is that it allows them to have a fun time. You must be thrilled to know that nowadays gender-neutral dollhouses are even available, which both boys and girls can enjoy and derive fun. If you are looking for such gender-neutral dollhouses, you can check out the collection of the Little Barbie Dollhouse. They offer customised dollhouses, just the way you want.