Yazz Nasir
1 – Managers bring a professional touch to your brand
Managers bring prestige to you and your brand. It shows that you have something of value to offer the music industry. The reasoning behind this is that if a good manager is willing to work with you, then you must be worth taking a look at. Many record labels around the world will not sign an artist unless they have proper representation. There are numerous reasons why a record label will not work with artists that don’t have management. This includes the fact that executives prefer to relay information to the artist through an intermediary, especially if they are delivering criticism or bad news, bear in mind this is an occurring circumstance in the music industry.
2 – Managers will always put you first
A good manager will always be your number one fan and supporter. They should be excited about representing you. They help to create enthusiasm about your band when promoting you to booking agents, the media, promoters, or radio stations. They have your best interests at all times. This is an important part of their job and they are more effective at this than you.
3 – Managers will offer you much needed advice throughout your long career
Your manager should help advance your career. This doesn’t mean that they should complete control over your career. But they can offer sound career advice that you can use to achieve success. When you’re working with an experienced music manager, they likely have more knowledge and insight about the music industry than you do. You should listen to their advice. Mangers like myself often find that building a personal relationship is always better than just a business transaction.
4 – Managers will bounce off you
The term “good cop / bad cop” is a real as it comes in this industry. There are times when you don’t want to be the bad cop. It could hurt your image or result in unnecessary hard feelings. If you don’t want to do certain things like shows, appearances for personal reasons you can allow your manager to act as the bad cop. There are plenty of situations where this will be beneficial.
5 – Your manager is your front
As mentioned, there are situations where a manager should discuss or promote you and your music than for you to do so yourself. This makes your music manager a buffer between you and the people in the music business who can be very harsh and ruthless at times. Whether they are dealing with record labels or simply booking you an appearance, they represent you.
6 –Managers guide your path , making it an easier route
Managers can provide much-needed advice, recommendations, and help shape your career the right way. They will give you a valuable insight that you cannot see for yourself especially once you find yourself short on time. Again, it’s up to you whether or not you follow these recommendations, but it can be helpful to get an outside perspective and especially from the one person that understands that’ the artist’s SUCCESS is his SUCCESS.
7 – Managers will keep an eye on all people involved in your career
Your manager’s job is to make sure all operations are being run smoothly. They hold people accountable for their actions. For example, if a sound engineer isn’t doing their job correctly, the manager can step in and correct the problem. If a record label doesn’t deliver as promised, the manager can step in and set things straight even in some cases take legal proceedings.
8 – Managers help with planning your time
A very overlooked job for a music manager is to keep the train running on time. Time management is a MUST that any professional music manager should have. They need to make sure that you arrive at gigs or promotional appearances on time or even a little earlier. This can be useful, especially if you have trouble keeping track of time, or simply having a lazy day. Those are the main benefits I would strongly recommend ANY artist. You now have several reasons why you should want to work with a music manager.
Good Luck in your career. If you still require any further advice you can message me directly on info@yazznasir.com