How to grilled fish with easy steps

A fish fillet is a great way to get out of the rut with a delightful and healthy meal. Make it in 3 styles with aluminum, on a cedar board, or directly on the grill you decide.


  1. Three cuts of fish fillets.
  2. Pepper and salt.
  3. Aluminum.
  4. Cedar plank.

To consider:

Depending on the method of preparation you choose, the homework will vary:

In the case of the cedar board, let it soak in a box with water for 2 hours before beginning this recipe.

1) Preparing the grill for the fish

These points are essential for any of the preparation methods you choose, except for the dressing that is left to your freedom to use the one of your preference.

That said, we begin with the preparations.

Clean and light the grill

  • First of all, clean the racks thoroughly with a wet cloth.
  • Then add the briquettes combining a generous amount and pre-heat your charcoal grill.
  • Always remember to use charcoal, as it is better. Wait for it to be at a medium to high heat.

Grease the racks 

  • Fish flesh is more sensitive than other types of meat, so many people may ask how to make their fish on the grill without sticking to the grates.
  • The answer is straightforward so that this does not happen, clean the racks thoroughly with a damp cloth, and then grease them. That way, the fish will not stick.
  • Use a towel and help yourself with a curling iron that makes it easier for you to get lubricated to avoid burning yourself.

2) Seasoning the fish fillets

This is the dressing that we offer, it is practical and straightforward, but you can use one of your choices to give it your touch.

  • First of all, clean the fish well with plenty of water. Then use tweezers to remove any spine that has strained.
  • Dry the meat well, and add olive oil to cover and produce better than the salt and pepper that you will use to season to taste.
  • Take it to the freezer to rest while the grill is done heating.

3) Steps to prepare grilled fish

Once all the previous steps have been completed, we can give way to making the fish.

You can pick between three ways to cook your fish on the grill. It’s just a topic of choosing which one best suits your style.

Classic Way: Make the fish straight to the racks

  • Once the grill is ready and very hot, remove the fish from the fridge and quickly put it on the fathoms.
  • Ever put the side of the fish’s skin first, so that the meat is sealed.
  • Wait until it is golden brown, and using a large spatula, flip it in one fell drop, otherwise it can tear apart.
  • You are not managing the fish too much, it is fragile, and like other types of meat, it should only be used once for an optimal result.

Using the cedar board

If you like this option, you will get the smoked taste that you want so much without any risk that the meat sticks.

  • First, place the board on a box with water and let it absorb for a couple of hours.
  • Separate the charcoal into two separate areas inside your grill.This will create a massive fire where we will put the boards and fish meat.
  • When the cedar board is ready, put it on the grill and wait for it to creak a little. Then add the fish Wait 15 to 20 minutes.

Grilled fish in aluminum foil

Aluminum foil gives us an extra touch when preparing our fish grill. Here is a simple way to do it in a few steps.

Why eat grilled fish

Fish is one of the complete foods that exist due to its high density of minerals, vitamins, and primary amino acids. It is also an incredible source of protein and omega 3.

Do not forget that the dark part of the fish is the most nutritious, do not let it pass. Take the benefit of eating fresh and also rich.

It should be noted that fish is from meat, one of the healthiest. It is just as nutritious as beef, but without including a high density of fats, making it perfect for your nutrition.