Studying is certainly an activity that is not always liked by everyone, or rather, it is not always possible to have an optimal method to do it and consequently what could be faced with greater serenity becomes an insurmountable obstacle.
The grades, the judgments, the fear of being constantly under opinion, can determine in each of us a stress that prevents us from making the best of it and therefore, in many cases, makes us school and teachers and everything is related to study in general.
Yet when we are young we learn without too many problems, we are well disposed towards language, towards the small and large actions that make up everyday life, towards our “teachers”, who are represented by our parents or neighbors. From 0 to 6 years we do nothing but learn and even when it doesn’t seem, we are actually “studying” something, first passively and then actively. We listen to a word and repeat it, we put one foot after the other and we walk, we learn to go to the bathroom alone and to tie our shoes, we watch TV and we recognize faces, voices, songs. And the surprising thing is that we do all this without “boredom”, fears or listlessness. The learning process in a child is natural precisely because it is supported by nearby, known, safe reference figures. That’s why it becomes important to recreate that type of red thread, to give us the opportunity to return to love the study, to consider it an integral and inevitable part of ourselves. And “when you grow up” what better figure if not the private home teacher can be a valid help in returning a little “children”?
That education has an “individual” character is demonstrated by the same history and evolution that the school has had since its inception to today. Parents, private teachers, pedagogues, in ancient times these were the figures for which the training of future generations was intended. At one time, when school was not yet widespread, the only children of noble families who were entrusted to private “teachers” of various subjects were entitled to education. In ancient Rome, children’s education was entrusted to parents, while the mother was taught the teachings of good feelings; the father had to teach reading, writing, and the laws of the state.
Subsequently, the figure of the Pedagogue was established who accompanied the children in their education up to 6 years, a period in which for all children the actual school started (it lasted 8 months for a total of 6 hours of lessons per day.) Until the middle Ages, therefore, each child could count on a vis-à-vis education and then leave room for the first known school forms. In the middle Ages the school was mostly ecclesiastical while the Enlightenment had to wait for the first secular and public schools run by the state. From this moment on, the school begins to have a form closer to what we know today until it reaches the Republican era when public, free and compulsory education is established.
The evolution of schools in modern cities, over the centuries, has certainly reduced illiteracy and given the possibility to those who could not afford it, to study, train and guarantee a future. Education system of Singapore has dedicated work on infra-structure of education, though home tuition in Singapore is handy when it comes to early age learning. However, if you try to ask your grandparents if they remember school years with pleasure, they will probably say no. In fact, the school at the time was to be considered a simple training “agency” where severity, form and austerity reigned. When you didn’t study or make a mistake, there was a leather belt or a wand and therefore it was better to be good and learn everything possible to avoid not too welcome punishment.