The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken up our world in the most unimaginable way possible. Since the winter of 2019, people have lived differently, trying to adapt to the “new normal” way of living cooped up in their homes. This was difficult for every person–kids missed their playtime, students missed the classroom environment, adults missed the workspace and people, in general, missed the freedom of being outdoors without any qualms.
The situation is dire in Australia as well that records an average of 3,000 every day. The Australian healthcare ministry and pharmaceuticals work tirelessly to produce high-quality equipment made with PPE tech to give the best for their frontline workers and citizens. This is highly vital right now as places like Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra are still stuck in the middle of sustaining or relaxing the lockdown.
It becomes crucial to know what the virus is and its mode of transmission in such high-risk environments. Knowing this basic information makes it easier to administer healthy coping mechanisms to combat the COVID-19 situation.
What is COVID-19?
While COVID-19 refers to the worldwide pandemic situation, the pandemic was created by spreading the SARS-CoV virus. This is called a novel virus because not only are the origins of the virus still under socio-political discussions, but no existing treatment options seemed to be working against the virus!
How does SARS-CoV spread?
Information about viral transmissions has been crucial for humanity’s fight against any pathogen. This allows us to develop appropriate preventive measures and avoid exposures to dangerous environments. The SARS-CoV virus spread primarily through close physical contact between two people. It is also capable of spreading through aerosols and respiratory droplets. These are usually released when one is talking, sneezing or coughing. Even breathing the air around an infected person is potent enough to acquire the SARS-CoV vaccine.
Preventive Measures
- Due to the ease with which coronavirus spreads–the virus follows airborne and person-to-person transmission, two of the most common ways of viral spreading–doctors strictly advise using masks crafted using PPE Tech. Australian-made masks are part of any personal protective equipment (PPE) kit and can be easily availed in the markets, manufactured by Sydney and Brisbane facilities.
- Since masks are used as a part of a comprehensive strategy to avoid transmissions through the air or a person, they must be of the highest quality. P2 masks available in the market follow the Australian standard of safety and are made of state-of-the-art machinery that ensures the highest quality and output.
- However, masks alone are not enough to fortify one’s immunity against the novel coronavirus. A mask alone is highly insufficient, especially for frontline workers, doctors and nurses who directly work with infected patients. Experts are often seen in medical scrubs, wearing rubber gloves and a head cap, all manufactured using PPE Tech. These safety kits are often thoroughly disinfected and are usable only once or twice.
- Regular exercise and balanced diets are vital suggestions that help in keeping one’s body healthy and strong. At least thirty minutes of cardio every day is necessary to keep one’s metabolism smooth. A balanced diet of adequate proteins and carbohydrates for energy is also essential. Furthermore, one is advised to drink a lot of water and remain hydrated as this helps flush out toxins and other possible germs that might make our immunity vulnerable.
- Staying indoors and avoiding external exposure is a foolproof method to prevent contact with the virus. This step will not only provide self-protection but will also avoid putting others in danger.
Author – Chris Morgan