Qurbani in Islam
Qurbani means in Arabic is sacrifice. Every year Muslim worldwide world slaughter animals like a goat, a sheep, a cow, or a camel to reflect Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail for the sake of The Al-Mighty.
Every year your Qurbanis provided thousands of needy people with Qurbani meat across Azad Kashmir to enjoy a good meal at Eid-Ul-Adha.
Now this year again, we shall be conducting our Qurbani on the event of Eid-Ul-Adha. According to Shariah Law, your Qurbani will be slaughtered, and the meat will be distributed personally by our MusKORTeers among the poor & needy.
We come to know that some animals from the earth will be in Jannah alongside extraordinary animals created for Jannah. They remain dormant until the day of judgment. They have no punishment or reward on the grave.
The Prophet (saw) said, ‘When the ten days (of Dhul Hijjah) start, and one of you conduct to sacrifice, then let him not cut his hair or his nails. (Muslim)
In Quran, the verse deals with eid -ul-Adha there is no doubt that Allah commands to sacrifice an animal and distribute this meat with relatives, needy, and eat the meat of the sacrifice.
KORT Qurbani 2024
KORT is conducting collective Qurbani every year. We slaughter a specified number of animals. This year we also appeal to all offer your Qurbani with KORT orphan trust in Kashmir. We are conducting Qurbani for years. We slaughter cows donate your share in Qurbani meat of Qurbani contribute among orphans in Kashmir.
The sacrifice of an animal for Eid al Adha can perform throughout the defined days i-e, After Eid Prayer and before sunset of 13th Dhul Hijjah. Whoever does not follow these days must recognize that their sacrifice will certainly not be legitimate if it is not done between 10th – 13th Dhul Hijjah. A sheep or goat is used as a lone offering and is enough for one person, whereas seven individuals can share a camel or a cow. The person should try to slaughter the animal with his own hands to meet the Sunnah. If one cannot do so, he can appoint someone else to do the same on his part, yet one must witness his sacrifice.
Cost of Qurbani per share
£425 for 1 Full Cow (7 shares) or £61 per share.
The number of animals:
every year we slaughter a specific number of animals. So, we accept a specific number of shares. The first-come, the first secure policy, is applicable. So, donate now to give contributions to orphans of Kashmir.
Process of Qurbani:
Donate your Qurbani to KORT so your Qurbani can give an excellent meal to poor orphan and needy people who cannot afford Qurbani. You donate with KORT, then the KORT team calls you personally to ask the person’s name for Qurbani’s purpose.
Why donate KORT for donation:
KORT is all time active to help orphans and give them happiness. Some people could not afford good food on Eid. Eid is the day to refresh our faith. We scarify animals to get blessings. If you donate your Qurbani with KORT, we become able to distribute fresh meat to estimated 40,000 families. We sacrifice animals with the name of contributing. Our team calls them personally to ask their name. Your Qurbani can make Eid day for hundreds of families. It’s a little dead but has a significant impact.
This little act can spread smiles on thousands of orphans and the poor. Therefore, visit KORT and take a decision that can bring a smile. Donate Qurbani with KORT. After your satisfaction, visit our site to support and donate.