Vw Dealer Riverside: Moss Boss.

When we want to buy a car, the first question that arises is ‘from where? We need a trusted dealer who will help us find and buy the car of our dream. If you want to buy Volkswagen and you stay in or near Riverside, California, we can make your work simple. Moss Bros. is the vw dealer riverside which will make the car purchase a smooth process.

Moss Boss. Has their own website for the customers to check out before they visit their place physically.



The main attraction of any car purchase site is its New Cars collection. Let us check it out.


  • New Inventory:


This is an inventory section on the website where they provide all the information about the new Volkswagen models. It has the following subsections.



  • New Vehicles:

If you click on this section, you will be presented with a lot of VW models with various options to sort the cars by your preference. Here, almost all cars will be on sale. You can search for a specific car in search inventory.


  • Body Style: You can choose the body types like sedan, hatchback, SUV as per your preference.


  • Year: You can also choose the car according to the year in which it was launched.


  • Model: There are various models available for you to choose from. These models are given in alphabetical order.


  1. Arteon
  2. Atlas
  3. Atlas Crosssport
  4. Golf
  5. Golf GTI
  6. 4
  7. Jetta
  8. Jetta GLI
  9. Passat
  10. Taos
  11. Tiguan


  • Trim: You can also adjust the trim by which you can get the favorite version of your car.


  • Price: You can adjust the price which will then give you the options best affordable for you.


  • Exterior Color: There are the following colors to choose from-


  1. Black
  2. Blue
  3. Gray
  4. Orange
  5. Re
  6. Silver
  7. White


  • Highway MPG: There is a range of highway MPG given. You can select as per your preference.


  • Fuel Type: Some people prefer gasoline cars, while some prefer electric cars. Therefore, VW has provided both options.




  • Drive Line: You can choose the car by your driveline preference. There are 3 drivetrains available in VW models.


  1. AWD- In this, all wheels are given the power to work.
  2. FWD- Here, front wheels make the rear wheels move in icy roads.
  3. RWD- here, rear wheels are the ones that are powered.


The ‘sort by’ section can be customized in whichever way you want. You can sort it according to:

  1. Year: Old to New
  2. Year: New to Old
  3. Color: A to Z
  4. Color: Z to A
  5. Price: Low to High
  6. Price: High to Low

The vw dealer riverside in Moss Bros. is the best option to go for it.


It is the best choice you could ever have. We hope this article helped you in finding the information, which you were looking for.