Facing environmental pollution and global warming are one of the biggest challenges today when it comes to responsible consumption. After all, these climate changes are a consequence of the current patterns of production and consumption and the intense emission of gases generated by a series of processes, such as the burning of fossil fuels and agricultural production, which accelerate the greenhouse effect, causing enormous damage to the environment. and affecting the quality of life of billions of people.
In addition to charging government officials and putting pressure on companies to adopt responsible social and environmental policies, know that you can also contribute to combating climate change by reviewing some consumption habits that can be easily applied in your daily life. To inspire you, we selected 5 sustainable attitudes that, in addition, also contribute to your well-being, your health and your pocket. Check out:
1 – Reduce waste generation
Start by adopting selective collection, which contributes to the preservation of the environment and to more sustainable daily practices. At home, you can create effective alternatives to reduce waste generation, such as buying durable and resistant products and repairing them instead of disposing of them. Regarding packaging, look for reusable or recyclable ones and choose products from companies that develop socioenvironmental programs or that are responsible for post-consumption treatment, usually marked with an environmental seal. But of course, keep an eye out to avoid falling into the trap of greenwashing! Please visit bag-wall.com
2 – Save light and water with new habit
Saving water and electricity can and should be a constant concern in your daily life. Reducing consumption contributes to both your finances and the environment, as it reduces the demand for natural resources for the supply of water and electricity. To do this, you can change your habits with simple tips that range from using light bulbs, fluorescent instead of incandescent, to reusing water to wash the yard, for example. A good way to start planning energy savings is to simulate them with Idec’s electricity bill calculator. This will make it easier to make decisions, change habits and demand your rights!
3 – Support agro ecological foods
Our diet increasingly worries nutritionists and health professionals, but the problem is not in eating itself, but in what is put on the plate and is wasted. In addition to avoiding food waste, one of the biggest changes you can make is switching from supermarkets to fairs and consuming more agro-ecological foods, that is, produced without pesticides and family farming. Food sold at fairs does not come in packaging and the journey from the producer to retail is much shorter than that sold in a supermarket. As a result, the degradation of the environment and the emission of pollutants during transport is less.
4 – Make smaller stretches on foot
Walking is still the most efficient way to get around, as it is healthy, non-polluting, economical and still allows you to know and interact much more with the city. Therefore, whenever possible, replace the use of the car with walks for routes up to 3 km away. According to a study published in The Lancet magazine, during the UN General Assembly, increasing this type of displacement can be reflected in a reduction of about 5% in the emission of fine particulate matter in the atmosphere. To start walking more in the city, plan the way to go, load the minimum necessary and if you are unable to travel long distances, interchange walking with public transport.
5 – Invest in what you believe
Ask and research about the origin of the products you consume and always check that the manufacturers are not involved in illegal deforestation and mining, for example. In fact, have you ever stopped to think that your money in the bank may be being used in the most different types of economic activities by organizations and governments, which can contribute to both polluting the environment and contributing to the protection of biodiversity? That is, use your money as a bargaining chip to invest in what you really believe. To keep you informed about what your bank does with your money, the Responsible Banks Guide evaluates on its website the main financial institutions in the country on topics such as Forests, Climate Change, Energy Generation, among others. There, it is also possible to pressure your bank to adopt more sustainable policies.