After months of lockdowns in place – businesses are reopening, employees getting back to work, markets are reopening- And – now it is time for the schools, colleges, and the Universities to unlock their doors for students to re-enter.
With the restrictions being lifted in multiple phases, it would be important for the educational institutions as well as the govt. to ensure adequate prevention and safety measures are in place. The safety preparations are necessary to safeguard the health of the students who are more vulnerable to nCOV.
Whether it is placing the sanitizing stations, following social distancing, frequent hand washing, face mask, or placing safety signs – following and sticking to government issued norms would be the key to maintaining a healthy ecosystem for the students to study. Remember – in any way – safety signs cannot be shunned at the cost of the health safety. Here is a great insight on suitable places for safety signs in universities. These ideas are definitely significant in playing an overarching role to prevent the Corona virus spread in the educational places. And these five crucial elements would be incredibly crucial in this goal.
What are those elements? And how effective they are in acting as a line of defense for students? Let’s find out.
- Stringently Following the Health Safety Norms
In the wake of the COVID-19, the only line of defense is prevention and a greater awareness. It would be important for the educational places to comply stringently with the health guidelines issued specifically for them. Whether it is promoting the awareness about the official guidelines, or, encouraging students to follow them with quick communication. Consistently creating the communication would be the key here – along the normal protocols of social distancing, using face masks, restricting student movement, and more.
- Maintaining Cleanliness and Hygiene
Cleanliness and hygiene would be the very foundation of building an infection free environment. Indeed, frequent sanitizations, hand cleaning, and disinfections of shared rooms would go a long way to prevent the risk of infection spread. Besides, keeping good ventilation would be another way to keep the virus risk to minimum.
- Equipping the Institute with Necessary Safety Equipment
Combined with all the safety norms – essential equipments and protective gears such as face masks, barriers, glass shields, automatic sanitizing stations, and hand washing facilities at multiple touch points is greatly important.
- Putting Brakes on Infection
There should be a greater emphasis on the controlling and containing the virus – apart from just prevention. For this keeping an eye on the staff, management, and students who are sick and need attention is really important.
- Monitoring and Responding to Health Emergencies
During the working hours, students, staff, and other key people should be closely monitored for any health anomaly. If there is anyone who needs attentions – there should be prompt actions like segregation, quarantine, and providing health support to required individual.
There is no way to guarantee that one would be safer – infection risks are everywhere. From the institute’s point of view – communicating, connecting, and encouraging students to make adjustment is definitely the way out of this time.