4 tips to learn Italian fast

Learn Italian fast by practicing speaking

I’m going to share with you what I actually do to learn foreign languages and what you can do to learn Italian.

The best way to learn Italian fast is to practice speaking.

Speaking is the most important and yet overlooked skill, especially for beginners.

If you can afford 1-on-1 tutoring, speak with your teacher 2-3 times a week.

It’s never too early to practice speaking. Even if you’re a total beginner!

Language immersion works because the fastest way to learn Italian is to hear it and practice speaking it every day in the context of your normal life.

When people talk about immersion, what they really mean is learning by doing – to get away from an academic approach.

Some people just can’t get the words out because of fear of making mistakes, while others just glide along and in so doing become fluent, improving steadily as they continue practicing, speaking, and enjoying the language.

Listen to the news in slow Italian

To practice listening and speaking together, look for original, simple news in slow Italian from Italian media read by a native speaker at a slow pace!

All these resources are provided free of charge. You don’t need any subscription.

Listening to the news in slow Italian is an engaging way to:

  • Improve your listening comprehension skills
  • Rapidly expand your vocabulary
  • Be exposed to Italian grammar and common idiomatic expressions
  • Practice pronunciation
  • Check your understanding with short tests
  • Gain insight into Italian culture

This podcast is ideal for beginners to intermediate Italian speakers because every Italian text has been simplified down to an intermediate level (B1-B2), both in terms of grammar and expressions.

Beside that, the speaker keeps a relatively slow, but still natural pace so that you can understand almost every word and sentence

Take the best nootropics for studying languages

If you’re tired of studying with little progress, there’s a shortcut to learn Italian fast.

To enhance your brain power, try out the best nootropics for studying languages.

Are you ready to explore the realm of nootropics for studying languages and boost your progress?

Mind Lab Pro is the most comprehensive nootropic on the market for language learning.

It enhances focus, increases learning capacity, reduces stress, promotes neurogenesis, and protects the brain from oxidative stress.

This is total brain optimization.

Its advantages are impressing:

  • Thoroughly tested in clinical trials
  • Uses top-quality ingredients
  • Very comprehensive

The only drawback is that it might be too pricey for some.

Be consistent

Studying a language four hours a day for two weeks will be more beneficial for you than studying for one hour a day for two months.

This is one reason why so many people take language classes in school and never remember anything.

It’s because they only study 3-4 hours per week and often the classes are separated by multiple days.

Language requires a lot of repetition, a lot of reference experiences, and a consistent commitment and investment.

It’s better to allot a particular period of your life, even if it’s only 1-2 week, and really go at it 100%, than to half-ass it over the course of months or even years.