Website becomes the best way to bring more customer and visitors. More visit and view will be good sign for business. Company can utilize this concept to generate sales and revenue. In that case, you should start with understanding SEO vs. SMO.
You are familiar with SEO due to have been around since search engine is key in digital marketing tool. You use keyword, link, and anything to get top rank in the first page. This is classic concept but evolving significantly. On the other hand, SMO is relatively new after social media takes hits and becomes huge influence. Website is not enough to develop brand awareness. Moreover, social media has better chance to turn potential buyer into the real one. To know more about both, check the next section.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is short version of search engine optimization. From its definition, you can tell that the purpose is website must be in the first page based on specific keyword. When using search engine, you input keyword and tons of results will appear. People tend to pick content in the page one until five.
After knowing the concept, the next step is implementation. In old day, search engine uses simple index. In that case, more websites competes based on keyword and link. It was unfair situation due to tons of websites appeared with less valuable and quality content. Google updates indexing method to adjust with human approach. The most quality content will have better rank.
Social Media Optimization
Social media becomes popular in the end of 2000s. You recognize some big names such as Facebook and Twitter. After smartphone is the most device people use, more platforms emerges. Each has specific purpose depending on the base value. Moreover, social media is not just sharing text and photo but also video that users create.
In this condition, the term SMO is coined as Social media optimization. It sounds quite fancy especially for new people in this field. Unlike SEO, the purpose is awareness, presence, and reputation. Those are things you must know when developing digital marketing based on SMO. More users know your business and gain awareness including reputation.
Digital Marketing and Trend
After knowing both SEO and SMO, you start to think which one is better. It is tough question due to both can be in the same purpose and field. Digital marketers utilize the best media to deliver benefits. Keep in mind that it is not just sales but also awareness. Combination seems to be the best choice since you can get more.
Main difference between SEO and SMO is platform. You use standard search engine, website, browser, and keyword to attract more visitor. This technique is the key of SEO. Anything you try has one purpose which better page rank.
On the contrary, social media does not have to more traffic and page rank. You start with niche group and gain brand awareness. This platform is dedicated to share information with interactive response. You focus on how more people know, not just visit. That’s what SMO supposed to be