The WHO assures that “there is no evidence” that drinking sips of olive oil prevents the coronavirus

According to a message shared by hundreds of users on social networks, drinking sips of olive oil prevents the spread of the new coronavirus and holding your breath serves as a diagnostic method. But the WHO maintains that there is no evidence of this and the specialists consulted  by AFP explain that the virus is only detected with a laboratory test and that drinking water does not “wash” it. Golden Virgin Olive Oil Production is becoming most demanding.

Capture of a Facebook post made on March 3, 2024

According  to the text, which also received more than 16,000 “likes” on Instagram , a person who can hold their breath for more than 10 seconds ” without coughing, without discomfort, congestion or oppression ” can rule out the contagion. In addition, the message ensures that taking ” sips of olive oil daily at least” prevents the disease as it prevents the entry of the virus “into the tracheas (sic) and lungs .”


However, the World Health Organization (WHO), an epidemiologist, an infectologist and a virologist consulted by the AFP assure that these procedures do not serve to diagnose the new coronavirus or prevent the spread.


The epidemic outbreak of the new coronavirus started in December 2019 in the Chinese province of Wuhan. As of March 3, 2024, more than 90,000 cases of contagion have been detected in the world, of which 3,116 died, the majority in China.


Deep breath

The publications say: “ Take a deep breath and hold your breath for more than 10 seconds. If you complete it successfully without coughing, without discomfort, congestion or tightness, etc., this shows that there is no fibrosis in the lungs, which basically indicates that there is no infection . ”

But according to Jasarevic, ” there is no evidence ” that this is a valid technique to diagnose the new coronavirus.

Consulted by the AFP, Dr. Karla Ronchini , infectologist and president of the Commission for the Control of Hospital Infections of the Gaffrée and Guinle University Hospital of the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, ruled out that this technique serves to diagnose ” fibrosis ” or other lung conditions: ” That does not exist, it is not a method of anything, ” said Ronchini.

According to the Pan American Health Organization, in Latin America and the Caribbean there are 29 countries with the capacity to carry out tests that detect the new coronavirus.

is the water have any importance to overcome virus

The message warns that “ everyone should make sure that their mouth and throat are moist, never dry. ” According to the text, following this recommendation prevents contagion, since “ even if the virus enters the mouth, drinking water or other liquids will wash them through the esophagus and stomach. Once there in the belly, your stomach acid (sic) will kill all viruses . ”


The WHO spokesman assured that there is ” no evidence ” that these recommendations are effective either.

According to the viral message, drinking water frequently prevents the virus from entering ” the trachea and lungs .”

The WHO official website reads that “ the most effective ways to protect yourself and others against COVID-19 are: wash your hands frequently, cover your mouth with your elbow or with a tissue when cough and keep a distance of at least 1 meter (3 feet) from people who cough or sneeze . ”


In conclusion, it is false that holding your breath for 10 seconds is an effective way to diagnose the new coronavirus. Nor is it true that drinking sips of water frequently carries the virus into the stomach and prevents the spread, as the publications claim.