Cannabinoid, in short form-CBD, is a well-known remedy for many ailments. This chemical compound is found in the marijuana plant. THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is also a cannabinoid but is psychoactive as well as gives the sensation of getting high. But CBD doesn’t get you high! This property of CBD is appealing for people who want relief from pain.
To make CBD oil, CBD is extracted from the cannabis plant and diluted with a carrier oil such as hemp seed oil or coconut oil.
Benefits of cannabidiol oil are as follow-
1. Relieve chronic pain-
Since, 2900 B.C marijuana has been utilized to relieve pain. Studies have shown the various components of cannabis such as CBD, relieve pain. The human body has a specialized system called ECS or endocannabinoid system, it is involved in regulating functions like appetite, sleep, pain as well as immune response.
Production of endocannabinoid that is neurotransmitter binds to cannabinoid receptor in the nervous system. Therefore, CBD from CBD oil may help to decrease chronic pain by affecting endocannabinoid receptor activity, interacting with neurotransmitters as well as reducing inflammation.
2. Reduce anxiety and depression-
The most common health disorder seen today among youngster and adult is anxiety & depression. Treating anxiety and depression with pharmaceutical drugs can result in various side effects like insomnia, agitation, headache, sexual dysfunction, etc. Also, medication such as benzodiazepines is addictive.
CBD oil is better for the treatment of anxiety and depression. It’s a natural approach and so there are very few chances of side effects. 300 mg of CBD is found effective in reducing anxiety. Also, children suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder can be treated with CBD oil to treat insomnia and anxiety!
3. Alleviate cancer symptoms-
CBD is found effective in reducing symptoms of cancer as well as a side effect of cancer treatment such as pain, vomiting, and nausea. A study was conducted to see the effect of CBD and THC in cancer patients. People treated with both compounds experienced a reduction in pain than those only treated with THC extract. CBD can reduce chemotherapy-induced nausea as well as vomiting.
These are the benefits of using CBD oil. Now, you can also make use of the product if you are suffering from anxiety or chronic pain. You can easily buy CBD oil from online dispensaries. But make sure that buy CBD products only from a certified dispensary with a proper license.
Also, when buying CBD oil, check the ingredients and quality of the product can be known by seeing lab test reports. Also, while buying check that if there is shipping charges on products. Make sure you use the product properly to get the most out of it. If in case you have any doubts or queries related to the products and it’s used, you can clear them from the dispensaries!
Also, before taking any type of product make sure to talk to your doctor. Get the right doses to treat the medical conditions. Lastly, check the laws of your state before buying any CBD products!