Questions to Ask in Your First Free Tarot Reading

Tarot Readings 101

Originally used as a specialist form of playing cards, Tarot cards have been around since the 14th century and are widely used for divination. Tarot readings are both a fun and insightful way to get guidance on questions relating to specific areas of one’s life and a great way to gain clarity on a particular situation.

There is no sign of the popularity of tarot readings in the UK slowing down. Even today, tarot cards are a common tool used by psychics to provide their clients with in-depth insight into relationships, love, work, family, homelife and much more. Combining the use of tarot cards with their natural gifts helps psychics give their clients a clear picture on current situations and their potential future.

If you’ve never seen a tarot deck before, you may be curious about what the decks mean and how they are made up. Every tarot card deck is made up of two main parts:

  • Major Arcana – Consists of 22 cards with no suits. They normally signal a major event or change in someone’s life. Each tarot card signifies those things taking place or influences on a larger scale.
  • Minor Arcana – Consists of 56 cards, similar in style to a normal card playing deck. The Minor Arcana is divided into four suits with 14 cards in each. They are used to reveal smaller or lesser changes and events in someone’s life.

Tarot readers and their clients are spoilt for choice with hundreds of tarot card decks available. Most trusted tarot readers will however choose a deck based on the specific subjects or topic areas their client wishes to focus on.

To get the best out of your tarot reading, the first thing you need to do is to find a trusted tarot reader. Not all paid or free tarot readings online are genuine, so carry out your research beforehand to ensure the reader is legitimate and their qualification are backed up by honest reviews and feedback.

Questions To Ask A Trusted Tarot Reader

Whether you’re a tarot newbie or a connoisseur of the psychic arts, it’s always important to keep in mind that the quality of the questions you ask in a free tarot reading will determine the quality of the answers you get.

Tarot cards can have multiple meanings; therefore, you need to ensure your questions are specific and not multi-layered. Double questions can confuse the outcome and meaning of your reading.

Although some people might be happy with simple ‘yes or no’ questions, they tend to not to provide the type of empowering insight and guidance needed to help them make positive decisions on their life path. By asking more positive and open-ended questions during a tarot reading, you can gain clarity and empowering insight to help you progress in key areas of your life.

If you want to get the most insight out of your questions, consider the following:

  • Be Positive – Asking positive questions are the best way to get answers which will help you make positive decisions to improve your life.
  • Be Specific – Ask clear questions that are intended to give helpful answers. For example, asking ‘Will I get that promotion I’ve been waiting for soon?’ won’t help you improve your chances of getting a promotion, however by asking ‘how can I enhance my skills to progress my career?’ may in fact open your mind to new opportunities career wise which may not even relate to your current place of employment. Asking specific questions can start a conversion, opening you up to options you have never previously considered.
  • Frame Your Questions – Why? How? What if? Style questions will give open ended answers and are therefore perfect for sparking an insightful psychic conversation. Avoid ‘will?’ questions as they tend to give closed answers and don’t offer any in-depth insight. For example, instead of ‘will I meet my soulmate?’ ask your tarot reader ‘how can I enhance my energies to find my soulmate?’.

Remember to Follow Things Up

Don’t forget to follow up the answers to your questions if you need further clarification. Go back to your original question and break things down further. It’s a great way to get to the root of what you really want to find out.

For example, if you asked the question, ‘how will I know when I’ve met my soulmate’? Why not break it down further to ‘what steps can I take to bring myself closer to my soulmate?’

By reframing your original question, you will gain more in-depth and beneficial insight from your answers to your questions and use them to figure out what path you want to take or what decisions to make next in life.

Questions to Avoid in a Tarot Reading

There is of course a certain etiquette which should be followed when having a tarot reading online or in person. Many authentic and trusted tarot readers would advise you from steering clear of the following:

  • Avoid Health Related Questions – Questions about serious health issues or even death are big no-nos. If you have a concern about your health, please do consult a medical professional. Tarot readings are there to give insight into areas of your life you have the power to take control of. So, if you reframed your questions to ask, ‘what can I do to improve my health?’ that would be ok as making improvements is something you can take control of.
  • If You Already Know, Don’t Ask – Asking questions to which you already know the answers to is far from beneficial and does not serve the purpose of a useful tarot reading.
  • Are You Ready For The Answers? – Don’t ask questions if you’re not emotionally or mentally ready to accept the potential outcomes? This could impact the choices you decide to make on your life path negatively. Focus on questions that will help you make positive changes in your life.
  • Avoid Negativity – Negative or self-sabotaging thinking during a tarot reading session can create barriers to the energies of the tarot. Avoid questions that come from a negative place as they could give false outcomes. Clear your mind and bring yourself into a place of calm before your tarot session to ensure a positive connection to the tarot, allowing you to get the best out of your reading.

What If You Don’t Have A Question For Your Tarot Reader?

It’s ok to not ask any questions! Sometimes we may experience a spot of psychic mind fog when it comes to thinking of specific questions to ask during a tarot reading.

Although you may not have a question in mind, there is no harm in asking for general insight and going with the flow to see if the tarot cards pick up anything which is important to you in that moment in time.

It is also worthwhile to have a good think beforehand about what you want to know as a result of having a tarot reading. Take the time to give your tarot reader a brief overview of what areas of your life you would like to focus on and need insight into.

Making The Most Out Of Free Tarot Readings

Whether you’ve opted for a paid or free reading, they are a brilliant way to gain guidance on specific areas of your life or an interesting way to gain insight into the potential options which lie ahead for you.

The beauty of getting a reading with a genuine tarot reader is that you can gain a better understanding of your past, present, and potential future. The questions you choose to ask during your reading should give you the answers you need to help you manifest your dreams and attract abundance into your life.