Product Photography Specifications When It Comes To The Marketplace

A form of commercial photography aiming to present a product in the best possible way is product photography. The best product photography is done while considering the tools, context, background materials, camera focus, important angles, and careful editing.

When it comes to e-commerce, many platforms pop up in mind where you present and sell your products. Sellers are greatly advised to bring professional product photographs with told specifications to get acceptance and compete in the marketplace of this advanced era.

It is also necessary that your provided photograph meets the requirements of their platform and is compatible with those with the required specifications. To avoid any confusion, major platforms have provided the criteria, and they require certain specifications for the product photographs you want them to place out there for your brand marketing.

Product photography tips for Amazon & Google Shopping

Considering Amazon and Google, the leading search engines mostly customers use to check new products, we will encompass guidelines for these two platforms.

Follow the product photography specifications.

Certainly, Amazon and Google Shopping are holding great opportunities for e-commerce advertisers. But for this, you are supposed to come following some platform-specific rules while you are up to product photography.

Amazon product photography specifications: No variant code or MAIN variant

  1. Product photos must be professional. No illustrations are allowed.
  2. You cannot add other products or objects to the photo.
  3. In case you’re selling a book, a CD, or a DVD, the product photo must consist entirely of the cover art. All other product photos must take up at least 85% of the frame.
  4. The background must be white. No additional text, graphics, or images are allowed.
  5. You are required to submit product photos as JPG (.jpg/.jpeg), PNG (.png), GIF (.gif), or TIFF (.tif/.tiff) files.
  6. Each of your product photo file names should be following this template: product identifier (e.g., UPC) followed by a period and the appropriate file extension (e.g., .jpg). For instance, a product photo file name is F000345123.jpg.

Amazon product photography specifications: All other products

  1. Must provide a photo that is professional and pertinent to the product that’s being sold.
  2. Other products and objects are allowed only when it is about demonstrating scale.
  3. Demonstrative graphics, cropped photos, close-up photos, text, backgrounds, and environments are allowed.

Google Shopping product photography specifications

  1. No stock photos are allowed. So accurately portray the product you’re selling.
  2. Promotional text, watermarks, or borders are not allowed.
  3. Apparel product photos must be at least 250 x 250 pixels in size. Non-apparel product photos must be at least 100 x 100 pixels in size. A photo larger than 64 megapixels or a scale-up photo is not accepted.
  4. You are recommended to submit a product photograph with white, gray, or lightly colored background (and, for all intents and purposes, required).
  5. Submit product photos as JPG (.jpg/.jpeg), PNG (.png), GIF (.gif), TIFF (.tif/.tiff), or BMP (.bmp) files.
  6. The photo URL must link to the main product photo, and it must be crawl-able.