Usual treatment for pleural mesothelioma is normally done through surgery, chemotherapy sessions and radiation treatments, if you are the United States, which can help even with amatex asbestos trust . A combination of these options can also be used depending on the severity of the cancer. The general conditions of their health and the level of their cancerous condition for patients diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma must first be measured before their option for surgery becomes open. Thus the evaluation in most cases renders that patients being diagnosed with only stage 1 and stage II may be considered for any surgery procedure to try to cure the cancer. If the tumorous condition is present and has not spread over numerous locations then chemotherapy along with radiation therapy may also help in an effective way. Some other alternative therapies and treatments that may become available can include immunotherapy, along with gene therapy and photo-dynamic therapy.
The stage at which the cancer is in will determine whether the pleural mesothelioma treatment is palliative or curative.
Once a patient has received curative treatments that are no longer taking effect, they may begin to undergo a period of treatment that will help reduce pain and potentially influence and improvement on the quality and remainder of their life. The key to an improved prognosis and continual expansion with treatment and all options available, is early diagnosis or detection for patients with pleural mesothelioma.
For patients with pleural mesothelioma the typical options for surgery can include pleurectomy/decortication or extrapleural pneumonectomy.
These procedures are comprised to initiate the removal of either part or all of the cancerous lung lining. When chemotherapy is considered the most common option consists of administering the drugs cisplatin and Alimta (pemetrexed). The most notable doctors and surgeons within the treatment of mesothelioma that specialize in the procedures mentioned include, Dr. Valerie Rusch, Dr. David Sugarbaker, Dr. Harvey Pass, Dr. Robert B Cameron.
For any patient of pleural mesothelioma, is very important for themselves and their loved ones, family and friends, to understand every absolute available option for treatment. Diagnosing this disease at an early enough stage can render surgery capable of eliminating tumors that are localized followed by chemotherapy and/or radiation treatment positively effective. For any candidate to be considered for curative surgery, the condition of health must be in a good positive state and the cancerous condition within the lungs still localized and not spread out over numerous areas.
Pleural Mesothelioma Prognosis
When the diagnosis of pleural mesothelioma is made at a time in which it has not exceedingly progressed, it can be considered that the patient is still in the first stages of the cancerous condition. In addressing cancer in its level of severity doctors normally use terms of stages from 1 to 4. Stage IV being the most severe down to stage 1 being the less severe. The lower the stages of the cancerous condition the better the options of patient with pleural mesothelioma has to choose from. Generally stages 1 and 2 carry more options for treatment and also will render a better area of prognosis.
In reference to recent studies, the number of patients that will survive or make it through the first 3 to 5 years after the initial diagnosis is about 10%. Within that 10%, only about 50% of them may survive more than five years.
When a patient with mesothelioma is not diagnosed at an early enough stage to be considered for curative treatment, their treatment options will become less and usually limited towards palliative treatment options only. These palliative treatment options are considered only to improve the patient’s quality and comfort of life by relieving the pain and discomfort experienced during the course of the disease and do not improve that given prognosis. Known treatments that are regarded as palliative include, the extraction of fluid buildup within the pleural locations, the removal of tumors surgically and relief of excessive pressure to the lungs.