Are Carpet Tiles Cheaper Than Carpet? The question has been asked many times – yes or no. However, this article will help you understand the reasons why they are slightly expensive than other flooring options. Besides, we will also discuss the pros and cons of installing carpet over hard wood flooring or vinyl flooring. Carpet is always cheaper than hardwood flooring; but you must consider other factors such as durability, easy cleaning, maintenance and color options.
Carpet wall-to-wall is more advantageous because it comes in a variety of designs, with different colors and textures. It is more cost efficient and requires minimum maintenance cost. However, before praising them on these advantages, let us discuss the reasons why they are slightly expensive than other flooring options:
Carpet tiles are cheap because of few factors which include: less material wastage, the lesser labor cost, the faster installation time, the better durability and the least maintenance cost. However, before lauding these benefits, let us discuss them separately and then come to a conclusion as to which one is better, wall to wall or carpet? Let’s start by discerning the thickness of the carpets – standard carpets or self-adhesive carpets – which are thicker and have a longer life. This factor is one of the main deciding factors of the overall cost of installing the wall to wall carpet in your home.
Carpet tiles are cheap because they have more design and pattern choices. One can get carpets with printed designs on them, patterns in the form of checkered carpets, colorful stripes or hot pinks. The most popular and the cheapest variety among all are the wall-to-wall ones. However, these tend to be a bit flimsy as compared to the ground carpets that are laid on the floors. Hence, it is found that a lot of people prefer wall-to-wall carpets over the self-adhesive varieties.
Wall-to-wall carpets have a longer life span than the ground carpets. As such, if you want to install them in your home for several decades, you would be better off opting for the self-adhesive varieties. However, many people, who want to save money, opt for the standard carpet tiles because of the lower installation cost. It is found that these carpets last for around 15 years if kept under constant supervision. Even with this short span of time, you will find that the wall-to-wall varieties can still keep your home looking like new.
When you consider the installation cost, you will find that carpet tiles are the far more economical option. This is especially so if you have just bought the property and do not yet have an architect or interior designer around you. It is true that you may have to pay a professional expert to install the carpets for you. However, you will end up paying a lot less than what a professional interior designer would charge you.
If you want to have wall-to-wall carpet tiles installed in your house, you will have to have the contractors install them for you. You may also have to pay additional money if you want the wall to be laminated. However, you will have to make up for the additional cost of installing these wall carpets by having beautiful flooring options at your disposal.
As you can see, there is no question about the fact that carpet tiles are cheaper than carpet tiles. If you want to have something that lasts longer, and you want something that is cheaper than carpets, then you should install carpets instead. However, before you choose carpets, make sure you research properly as to which type of carpets are available, and their installation cost.