How to tighten garbage disposal blades?

Undoubtedly, garbage disposals play a key role in maintaining the neat and clean environment of your kitchen by keeping the flow of waste smooth and free from obstruction.  Garbage disposal impeller blades crush the solid waste into smaller pieces which are easy to be passed from the whole drainage system and especially from the pipes. Without having a garbage disposal installed under your kitchen sink, you can not keep your kitchen clean. 

Therefore, it is necessary to keep our garbage disposals working well. As the garbage disposals are made up of long-lasting material, they have a longer life. But, due to certain reasons, you may face garbage disposal problem like the blades get looser. 

What indicates that blades are loose?

Before, you go for tightening of the blades of your garbage disposal, it is necessary for you to make sure that it is the loosening of blades that is causing the problem. Because in some cases, any other problem like clog formation may also make you feel that the blades are loose.

So, the question arises that how can we come to know that the blades are loosened? There are some indications when the blades of your garbage disposal get loosened. 

First thing that indicates the loosening of blades is the sound your garbage disposal makes while working. After loosening of blades, the sound produced by the waste disposer unit is quite different from when there was no problem with the blades. 

Green garbage truck and the employees are collecting a lot of black garbage bags Premium Photo

Similarly, another thing that indicates that there is problem with the blades is that your waste disposer completely or partially stops the grinding of waste.

Read: Best Powerful Service Garbage Disposal

How to cure the problem?

The step-by-step procedure for tightening of the loosened blades of garbage disposal is given below.

Disconnect the electricity:

First thing you need to do is disconnect the electrical connection by unplugging it. It is necessary to disconnect the electricity as a safety measure. So, before starting your work make sure that the you have cut off the electrical connection so that there is no probability for you to get electrical shock. 

Furthermore, it is necessary just because you are going to put your hand inside the disposer unit. Cutting of electrical connection eliminates the chances of laceration of your hand.

Remove the stuck objects if found: 

In the second step, you need to check for any stuck objects. Because there are equal chances that the blades are not working due to any object stuck below them. 

Put your hands inside the garbage disposal and try to move the blades manually. If they move smoothly, then its ok. However, if they are not moving smoothly and you feel any obstruction, then there is any foreign object stuck inside. 

After finding the stuck foreign object remove it. You can take help from the tools like pliers as well as Allen wrench.

Tighten the blades: 

First, unmount the garbage disposal by unscrewing it with the help of pipe wrench. After unscrewing the required parts get access to the blades. Loosen the blade’s connection thoroughly. 

After that tighten the bolts that keep the blade in its place. After tightening them well, make sure that the blade is intact and firmly hold in its place.

After completing the tightening process, reset your garbage disposal by pressing the red-colored reset button on its lower side. Then rinse it with water and turn it on to remove all the dirt and stuff.


While using your garbage disposal, sometimes you may face problems related to the blades of your waste disposer unit. For example, you may observe garbage disposal impeller stuck. 

It happens mainly due to two reasons, either the blades of garbage disposal are loosened or there is any foreign object stuck in it. both these problems can be solved with the help of the procedure given above.