How Can Lead Generation Supercharge Your B2B Brand?

lead generation

The rise of the digital era has a direct impact on the behavior of B2B buyers. Indeed, their wish is not that they are sold products or services, but instead that they are advised to facilitate their purchase. The supplemental value is, therefore, not in the purchase itself but the pre-sale phase!


This new situation, therefore, encourages outsourced lead generation companies to change their approach, in particular, to generate leads.


Update on three digital levers to activate to help you generate BtoB leads in 2024.

Inbound Marketing

Let’s briefly recall what it is all about: inbound marketing consists of attracting prospects or customers by directly disseminating information deemed “useful” by the company that will interest its targets. In other words, very qualitative content whose expected impact will be to capture the attention of prospects. To fuel inbound marketing, different types of content can be considered by the company: a blog article, a video tutorial, a white paper, an infographic.


A way for salespeople to then get in touch with them if they have identified interesting prospect profiles. So that these Internet users willingly leave their contact details on its site, the company will have every interest in creating qualitative content (favor free download) and which will bring real added value compared to the material it already offers.


Three elements can be used by a company wishing to ensure the downloading of its contents by the people who visit its website:


  • Call-to-action
  • Landing pages
  • Thank you pages


A call-to-action or CTA is a button, an image that encourages the visitor to click to access specific content or offer. This CTA can be placed inside content (e.g., blog article) or on a critical page of the site. An action verb is very often used to encourage visitors to click on it. After clicking on the CTA, the visitor is redirected to a landing page.


Also called a “landing page,” a landing page is a page giving access to content “teased” by the company (in exchange for a form filled with the visitor’s contact details, of course!). A form with a few fields will encourage Internet users to complete it. The collection of this data is very precious for the company, which can then consider resuming contact with the visitor, now qualified as “lead.”


Once the visitor has downloaded one of the contents offered by the company (white paper, etc.), he will then be redirected to a thank you page (the company will thank him through a short message while inviting him to continue browsing the site).

Google Adwords Campaigns

Having a strong Internet presence to generate more leads is no longer enough. B2B marketers are now looking to maximize their ROI (return on investment) and thus favor the quality of lead generation call centers like ExpertCallers over quantity. This is where a Google Adwords campaign can appear appealing to test. One such campaign will consist of showing ads on Google related to the keywords used by Internet users when making their requests.


Before even starting the creation of a Google Adwords account, it is advisable to define a goal for the future campaign. Indeed, it is essential to know why to invest in a marketing budget on this channel. It will then be necessary to determine a specific objective to measure the effectiveness of advertising.


Each campaign will then return to optimized landing pages through a 4-step process:


1st step: Choose your keywords (strategic keywords)

2nd step: Develop the content (content marketing)

3rd step: Improve the natural referencing (SEO) of landing pages (backlinks, photos, etc.)

4th step: Convert leads from landing pages via forms, CTAs, etc.

Social Selling

Being on social networks is no longer enough; they can be used in a more “active” way: intending to develop contacts and generate leads. Personalized one-to-one communications with adapted content pushes are becoming commonplace in the animation of social networks in BtoB. More specifically, social selling is a process of research, selection, listening, and interaction with potential prospects via social networks.


Salespeople have understood the interest and are increasingly looking for the consumer where it is and to render useful the power of social networks to develop their business: identify prospects, capture leads via a lead generation call center, feed them and convert them to BtoB (as in BtoC for that matter!) Today, 54% of salespeople say they have already made a sale through social media; social selling is here!


LinkedIn, the leader in social selling B2B, represents a valuable tool for commercial prospecting. The platform allows us to follow the lead generation companies in India that interest us, to join discussion groups, to get in touch with people from its universe, to enhance its expertise by publishing quality thematic content.



In parallel with these different levers, some lead generation call center services are starting to set up digital sales force animation platforms. The objective? Help them optimize their business approach and generate leads. Digital technologies such as an animation platform, application dedicated to the sales force, e-learning sessions, etc. are essential levers to boost financial performance.


More connected, having become challenging concerning the discourse of brands, the consumer is also more demanding vis-à-vis the sales forces. Faced with this change and new uses, sales are also undergoing a profound transformation.


Social selling is, therefore, the result of these upheavals that the company must face, at all levels, to succeed in its digital transformation.


Far from replacing other so-called classic sales levers (phone calls, mailings, etc.), social networks represent a complimentary digital lever for generating B2B leads. This practice makes it apparent to identify the right profiles, to “work” its targets with the dissemination of qualitative and relevant content, to refine the relationship by preparing it in free space (social network).


In the end, it is not a question of choosing a single digital lever to hope to generate leads but somewhat of capitalizing on all those who may be useful to the business. And this, according to her level of maturity and the commercial objectives that she set for herself. It thus appears unusual to mix inbound marketing with search solutions (Adwords) to boost its lead generation.


Finally, let’s not forget that the identification of leads has only one objective: the creation of a contact base whose data can then be used by the company.