When it comes to download movies with HD and clear print, we all prefer torrent which is the most used and trustworthy website to download and watch movies. A latest and newest software has launched by Balaji N which provides best audio and video quality, it is known as Kickass Torrent also called KAT. It is one among proxy sites and popular as Kickass Proxy and consider as best Torrent side across the globe. It consists with alternatives of kickass proxy sites and consider as a most visited private hub. If you are a movie lover and love to watch movies, listen to music and catch the latest TV series, etc. online. So, it is the one and only spot which is made for you.

Due to some unfortunate and privacy concern, the original Kickass website was banned by the Government of the USA. Therefore, we won’t be able to assist you with the original website but now you have good Kickass Proxy and mirror websites for same and now too many options to choose from the list. By using it you can view a list of best websites to download torrent files of Movies, Music, TV series, Games, other software, etc. as per your requirement. Before moving forward let’s get clear about the proxy what is it? how it works? Etc. So one can clearly understand and figure out the intention behind it.
A proxy is basically a server or you can say a proxy server that helps software running in a particular computer that connect as an intermediary between a local network of and a server from which a service is requested by the client’s internet. It helps in enhancing security and increase performance of incoming data. Proxy Server is helpful in security by making impossible for the hackers to get the internal security details through any access. In simple words, it is used to secure user system’s privacy.
There are a large number of websites that hosted on torrents with numerous genres of music, movies music, games, etc. You can try with the KAT or Kickass Proxy alternatives options to watch and download that are available in a plenty of websites and too many to choose from.
Still, looking for the best options from proxy? Explore today and start experimenting and the best KAT alternatives to enjoy your favourite range of movies without any interruptions and disturbances.