Everything you need to understand about glass fiber Filters

Sterlitech and Advantec complete glass fiber Filters are on the market in a very kind of nominal pore size ratings and flow rates, to suit a large variety of applications. The purity of glass filters is determined by the presence of binder material that acts as a strengthening agent and aids in holding the fibers along. Binderless glass fiber Filters provide high purity and exceptional thermal/chemical resistance. Glass filters with organic rosin binders have restricted resistance; however, they provide improved wet strength and reduced potential for fiber shedding.

Due to their superior output compared to alternative fiber filters, Glass micro fiber filters are usually utilized in the removal of sediment and coarse particulate. High flow rates alter ideal to use in applications like single and multi-process removal of sediment and coarse particulate. They’re conjointly ordinarily used in pre-filtration before membrane filtration for food, beverage, bioscience, and biopharmaceutical applications.

This is the filter with the best retention performance of the vary. It is notably suited to filter samples and solvents for HPLC, being this pre-filtration most significant for making certain the success of the check. It’s conjointly appropriate for the biochemical check, like clarifications, super molecule filtrations, cellular cultures, etc. The chemical element Levels were obtained with an AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrometer) with 100 pc dissolved covering material.

GVS Life Sciences offers a large variety of glass microfiber filters fabricated from 100 percent borosilicate glass fibers while not binders. The depth structure of the filter with its massive expanse provides an excellent impurity retention capability combined with a coffee filter resistance. Glass fiber filters take up the best particles down to down to from liquids and < down to in air and gases because the static interaction between the glass fibers and gases is healthier than between glass fibers and liquids.

Features and advantages

• Extraction thimbles (cellulose, glass & quartz microfiber)

• Very tiny particles retention

• Resistance to aggressive substances

• Temperatures up to 1000 ºC

Typical Application

• DNA and super molecule filtration

• Clarification

• Water analysis

• Biochemical determinations

• Air observation

• As a membrane pre-filter

• Filtration of solvents for HPLC and biochemical tests

Material Specs

Depth filtration categorizes filter media that traps particulate inside the random matrix of fibers found inside the thickness of the media. The potency rating of the filter is characteristic of the complicated void house structure that develops because the fibers overlap. The fibrous material inside the filter is usually glass microfiber, cellulose or polypropylene. full filters using glass microfiber, the purity of the filter is determined by the presence of, if any, binder material that acts as a strengthening agent and aids in holding the fibers along. All of the media delineated on this page are 100 percent salt glass and free from binders.

Because of the characteristically high flow rates of depth filters, they’ve usually utilized in applications like single and multi-method removal of sediment and coarse particulate. Glass microfiber filters while not binders are a perfect medium to entrap sediment for additional analysis and numeration because of the inert matrix. Also, depth filtration media are ordinarily used for pre-filtration before surface filtration with substrates like membranes.

Glass Microfiber Characteristics at a glance

• Fastest rate

• High load capability

• Retention of particles to sub-micron size

• Temperature varies up to 500°C

• Use in liquid and gaseous filtration

• Inert fiber composition

• Free of binders or additives