Essential Tips for Better Sleep

It isn’t always possible to control all of the factors that impact on your ability to sleep, but if you adopt healthy habits you should find that you do start to sleep better. That’s what these simple tips are about.

 1 – Maintain a Fixed Sleep Schedule

Set a time that you will go to bed and a time that you will get up. The recommended amount of sleep for a healthy adult is seven hours, so you should aim for about eight hours in bed so that you have a bit of time to doze off and to get up.

By going to bed at the same time each day, and getting up when your alarm goes off, you can ‘program’ your body to feel tired at a specific time of day. Try to stick to roughly the same schedule on weekends as well so that you aren’t constantly struggling with your sleep schedule.

If you fail to doze off within 20 minutes, get up and read a book or listen to some soothing music. Go back to bed once you start to feel tired. Repeat this until you actually fall asleep. Aim to still get up when your alarm goes off, regardless of what time you fell asleep.

2 – Examine Your Diet

Going to bed over-stuffed or very hungry will not help you to sleep. Don’t eat a heavy meal within a couple of hours before your scheduled bedtime. Avoid nicotine, alcohol, and caffeine too. Nicotine and caffeine are stimulants, and while alcohol can make people feel tired, the quality of sleep that it encourages is poorer than the sleep you would get if you were not under the influence when you dozed off.

3 – Have a tidy and comfortable bedroom

Your bedroom should be cool, quiet, and dark. Being exposed to light can make it hard to fall asleep. Using computer screens before bed is also not a great idea. Blackout curtains and earplugs can help you sleep. If you find that noises from outside are irritating, use a fan to create ‘white noise’ to drown them out.

Invest in a supportive comfortable mattress. Take a look at these Tempurpedic Mattress reviews.

Don’t kee a computer, console or TV in your bedroom and don’t take your phone to bed with you. Aim to spend some time relaxing and mentally unwinding before going to bed.

5 – Try Not to Nap

Daytime naps can interrupt your sleep schedule. If you must nap, limit the duration to just 30 minutes per day. The one exception to this is if you work nights and find yourself in sleep debt since a short nap before work could help to keep you going.

6 – Get Some Exercise

Exercise can help to regulate your energy levels and hormones and can help you to sleep better. Going outside can also be beneficial. Consider a brisk walk in the early evening to help you fall asleep on time.

7 – Reduce Stress

Try not to ruminate on your problems before bed. Write down the things that are on your mind and then try to fix those issues with a clear head the following day. Consider using a diary, meditation app or other stress management tools to help you cope.