Flyers and posters are still an effective marketing method available for the business owners to consider. If you are looking to move forward with a cost-effective marketing program, you will be able to go ahead with this option. Similar to any other marketing campaign, you will also come across the need to get a better understanding about the return on investment that you receive for promoting flyers and posters.
Here are some of the most effective methods available for you to follow and get a better understanding about the return on investment that you can secure with promoting flyers and posters.
Use QR codes
Instead of sticking only to the traditional methods, you can think about using QR codes. This is where you get the assistance of technology available to measure the return on investment that you are generating out of selling flyers and posters. You don’t have to go through any struggles when you are placing QR codes on the flyers and posters that you print. You can configure the QR code, so that it opens up one of your business pages, such as your website or your Facebook page. Then you will need to use a URL referrer and track all the QR code scans that you are getting. Based on that, you can measure how many people are scanning the QR code visible on the flyers and posters that you distribute.
Use vouchers or coupons
Using vouchers or coupons to track the return on investment obtained for promoting flyers and posters is a traditional option available for you to consider. You will be able to distribute your vouchers or coupons with minimum hassle by using a printed flyer. You will be able to get the best possible results when your business is having walk in customers. That’s the main reason why you can often find restaurants doing this.
You will be able to track many different areas with multiple coupon codes. For example, you can print coupons in different colors. Or else, you can also think about tracking the return that you get out of the investment with the help of serial numbers that you are printing on the coupons located within flyers as well.
Track the phone calls
If you have included your telephone number as the contact details, you can think about tracking phone calls to get a better understanding about the return that you are generating for the investment you make.
You can include a contact number accordingly, so that you are directing all the phone calls to a specific person. This can be done with the help of an extension number. Based on the responses, you can measure return on investment. Or else, you can directly ask from the prospects who call you over the phone. For example, you can ask “Do you have a flyer or poster in front of you?” You can track the responses to this question accordingly and analyze the return on investment that you are generating at a later stage.
Track the improvements to your business
This is one of the oldest methods available for you to consider. You can move forward with this method if flyers or posters is the only marketing method that you use. If you have combined it with other marketing methods, it will be quite impossible for you to end up with securing accurate figures when determining the return out of investment.
You can do a quick run in the reports and see whether your customer base has increased after the poster and flyer marketing campaign. Or else, you can also check and see whether the total number of inquiries that you are getting to the business has increased. The increase in the number of subscribers to your mailing list or the increase in website traffic are also some effective parameters available for you to consider and make a decision in ere. You need to make sure that you are keeping a close eye on the improvements, so that you won’t miss out anything.
Have a landing page
In most of the instances, business owners tend to include a web URL in the posters or flyers that they print and distribute. Instead of directing the traffic to the home page of your business, you can think about directing them to a landing page. Or else, a sub-domain of your website will also be able to provide you with positive results. Then you can quickly understand the total number of customers or prospects that your business was able to gain through the poster or flyer marketing campaign.
Take a look at these methods and pick the best ones accordingly to measure the return that you receive out of the investment.