You’re getting ready to go to a party and as you brush your hair you realize how thin it is… and is that… a bald spot? The horror!
Many people worry about their hair (especially the lack of it), so it is not surprising when they consider getting a hair transplant. This cosmetic procedure has a lot of benefits that range from improving not just the physical appearance of a person but also have fewer side effects such as pain and scarring.
Here is a quick round-up of all the benefits of having a hair transplant.
Perks of Having a Hair Transplant
Just as its name suggests, a hair transplant is a surgical procedure that features the grafting of either a strip of skin or individual hair follicles and planting them onto the region of less hair growth. Here are a few of the advantages of undertaking such a procedure.
- Encourages Natural Hair Growth: if you wish to have a hairline that looks natural, using your own hair is an excellent solution. Not only will it exactly match the look and texture of your hair type, but it would also encourage better future regrowth.
- Little Pain, No Scarring: unlike common belief, hair transplants are actually not a very painful experience due to the use of local anesthesia. Furthermore, the intake of the prescribed antibiotics and various pain medications helps ease the time of recovery. Moreover, there is almost no scarring that occurs as a result of the process.
- Speedy Recovery: unlike many procedures, hair transplants can be recovered from quickly, provided that you follow the care instructions diligently. Many procedures require that clients spend days in bed as they recover, but a person can soon be up and running after a hair transplant.
- Low Cost of Maintenance: though the cost for the surgery is on the expensive side, people argue that this cosmetic procedure costs less in the long run. This is due to the fact that there is little to no maintenance cost involved, unlike other procedures that require frequent retouches and follow-up sessions to maintain.
Why are Hair Transplants taken up
As more people are opting for hair transplant treatments, many people often wonder what actually causes hair loss. Here are a few ideas that can help you understand why people experience a significant reduction in their hair volume.
- The Genetic Factor: some people have balding or thinning as a result of an ancestral condition that passed through to them via their genes.
- Changes in Hormone Levels: specific ages in life see shifts in your body’s hormone levels, such as menopause for women.
- Medications: Some medicines are directly responsible for altering your body’s ability to grow hair.
- Everyday Stress: The stress and anxiety of living in the modern world have had a lot of negative impacts on people across the globe. It is odd but true nonetheless to attribute general stressors of the day and age to be one of the leading causes of hair fall and premature baldness.
As established in this article, there are many advantages of opting for a hair transplant. Not only does this cosmetic procedure ensure that you always look your best with natural hair, but also makes sure that you don’t have to endure excessive pain or any scarring during or after the process.
With that said, however, you must remember that in order to reap the benefits of a hair transplant you need to take all the precautions necessary to ensure it is successful surgery. It is vital that you make sure to find a capable surgeon who uses sterilized tools, while also ensuring that you follow all the after-surgery care instructions.