Agile project management a thorough introduction

In 2001 17 people meet and bring an innovative idea of agile manifesto methodology. It is a very unique technique of software development. Manifesto focused on working on different projects in the timeline. Agile project management resolves issues through tools and processing of ideas and plans and software development.  Our team goals are

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan


The agile method has become a craze among people in the last 20 years.  Extreme usage of anything can bring some problems for work. Our Agile Project Management is here to maintain a balance between individual valuing and the use of tools and processes for big companies to promote their work.  Our motive is to maintain balance. Agile style software development is are the emphasis of the method some people consider agile manifesto as replacement of focus.

We have working experience of 25 years in this field now we have decided to share some knowledge we have gained through working. We give answers to your queries about zibtek and agile project management feel free to contact us. We are here for you to help and education of our public.

The problem

The agile method becomes popular and this causes trouble when it is replaced with the individual to tool and software development. It becomes so popular that created a negative context associated with the word agile method.  The purpose of this project management is to re-emphasize methods.

The rename

Zibtek is very receptive to change. We know that success is based upon advanced techniques and a receptive approach towards new things. We genuinely know the human interaction importance that’s why we encourage individual interaction with the agile methods. We manage the projects through agile methods and human interaction.