Recent times of uncertainty and upheaval may have seen a corresponding drop in general wellbeing and satisfaction. This can affect people both at home and in the workplace, and even have consequences on the economy.
While relaxation, ‘self-care’, and emotional connections are all vital for maintaining a sense of wellbeing in our personal lives, what about our professional lives? Certain things have been shown to boost confidence, satisfaction, and personal wellbeing in the workplace, and we take a look at five of the best, below.
Whether you are self-employed and looking to boost your own job satisfaction, an employee keen to make a positive contribution, or an employer looking to foster a supportive and empowering culture at work, the suggestions below can be a great place to start.
1. Further Training
Additional training in skills and qualifications benefits both the business and the employee. Employee job satisfaction increases with confidence, and confidence can increase by feeling empowered and competent with courses and qualifications.
There are several free, comprehensive and reputable courses online that people can be encouraged to take, or else training undertaken as a whole group can be a great way to build the team and upskill the workforce as a whole.
Popular choices might be leadership skills, digital marketing or social media training, auditing and accountancy courses, and more.
2. First Aid Courses
Feeling safe and supported in the workplace — both mentally and physically — is of paramount importance for employee satisfaction. A great way to ensure that the environment is physically safer is to undertake regular reviews, and to train employees in first aid.
First aid courses can cover physical injuries and help to prevent an incident from becoming an emergency. They can also extend to mental health first aid, helping to identify a mental health issue in the workplace and provide support or referral to a professional.
With a high proportion of workers expected to experience a mental health issue at some point in their lives, this training can be crucial and provide much-needed support for those in need.
First aid courses can also be undertaken at work and used as a positive team-building exercise, empowering employees and making the workplace safer and more supportive overall.
3. Regular ‘Check-ins’
Check-ins between employers and employees are an opportunity for each to raise any queries or concerns, offer feedback, and of course, give praise and encouragement.
For many workplaces, progress reviews are an irregular, or even annual, occurrence. This can create a pressurised environment more similar to an exam, and does not always foster an open dialogue.
More regular, sociable progress reviews allow both employers and employees to communicate more routinely and openly, making micro changes before things become larger issues — and creating more job satisfaction in the process.
Regular progress reviews are also equally important to self-employed people, who will also benefit from reviewing their goals, progress and wellbeing — even just with themselves — and then making any necessary adjustments.
4. Personalisation and Control
Studies show that workers feel happier if they feel they have a degree of control over their working lives. This might extend to flexible working hours that suit them, personalising their role to suit their skills, or even being able to decorate their desk and workspace in a way that expresses their personality.
The more control that can be given to employees without compromising productivity, the more their job satisfaction — and productivity — will increase as a result.
5. Variety
Working life can easily become a predictable (and seemingly never-ending) routine. That’s why businesses and employers who introduce variety into their culture, are thriving. This can come in the form of social occasions, challenges, team-building activities, rewards, and more.
Breaking up the routine and introducing a positive element of gentle surprise can help workers to feel more valued and engaged.
BONUS: Emphasise Listening
Whatever your workplace situation, or management style, a great way to boost workplace satisfaction is to start by listening. Guage honestly and thoroughly what your employees would like to see more of, and what they would like to reduce.
If you are self-employed this can be a case of asking yourself meaningful questions and thinking honestly about the answers. What would improve your job satisfaction? How could you get closer to your goals? What’s working well and what needs improvement?
With a supportive atmosphere of communication and creativity, you can provide great solutions in your workplace, and increase worker satisfaction and wellbeing — whether you employee an entire company, a small team, or just yourself.