Your Mini Guide To Crypto-Related SEO


As cryptocurrencies are gaining popularity, more and more people are trying to provide information on the internet. Competition is at its high to rank their websites on search engines so that people can easily find them on top of the internet and get the most out of organic traffic. By definition, search engine optimization all. Crypto-related SEO is the process of optimizing the cryptocurrency sites for users to increase their ranks in search engines.

SEO is an essential factor for the success of a website as it is an excellent tool for generating traffic and ranking high on Search Engine Result Pages(SERP). Lots and lots of work are still required in the SEO as lots of people are getting into the business so they will have to face cut-throat competition. In this article, you will be guided on how to do SEO of cryptocurrencies websites.

Understanding the market of cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies are influencing lots of industries in many countries. Cryptocurrencies use the concept of cryptography in which the transactions are encrypted, and some private key is used for its decryption. This makes transactions more safe and private.

Cryptocurrencies are decentralized and are independent of any centralized bank control. Bitcoin can be said as the first decentralized cryptocurrency. Today, more than 4000 variants of bitcoin are available, which can work as an alternate. Cryptocurrencies have gained approval as they are reliable, confidential and give more security to financial transactions. As market participants determine the valuation of cryptocurrencies, no central organization has the authority to control them.

Steps Involved In Crypto-Related SEO

1 Competition Analysis

Some of the big players like Bitcoin, EOS, Ethereum, and more dominate the cryptocurrency market. Market penetration becomes a tough task. Knowing your competitors can help you develop better strategies for your startup. Tracking your competitor through various analytic tools allows you to understand what they have done to improve ranks in SERPs. Also, many countries still have restrictions on the use of cryptocurrencies. You should not waste your time in searching for the audience from these countries.

2 Keyword Research

It is an essential factor in crypto-related SEO. Keyword research is the most crucial step to know what people are precisely searching for. You can promote your crypto business by doing SEO related to these keywords. Keyword Research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SemRush and Ahrefs, can be useful. You should target the high volume keywords and optimize your content according to those keywords. You should also have an eye on long-tailed keyword as they give immense results

3 Prepare SEO Friendly Content

Content is the king when it comes to climbing the ladder of SERPs. Always try to provide updated information to your visitors through your content. You should give genuine crypto news, blogs and articles that target the popular keywords. Also, try to update your content regularly according to the latest trends. Make sure that you analyze your content for any grammatical and spelling mistakes.

4 Gain Visibility In Social Media

The search engine industry has always been dependant on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin. Social media activities are beneficial to boost organic traffic. Also, get more active on forums like Quora and traffic. You should find the most popular topics on these platforms and try to provide the best answers for them. Posting images and infographics on LinkedIn and Facebook cannot be ignored as they are some of the best ways to provide information on social media.

5 Monitor What Is Trending In The Market

Understanding what is trending is a crucial step for your business promotion and cannot be ignored. You should always read a quality crypto blog so that you know what is currently trending. Trends are essential as new players are getting into the business and the government also has some regulations.

7 Use Email Marketing

Email marketing, in simple terms, is the way of promoting your business through emails. It is an essential tool for developing relationships with potential customers and lead generation. Here also, you should target your audience from countries where the use of cryptocurrencies is allowed. NewsLetters can also be used to encourage them to use your platform for financial transactions. Try to focus on increasing your subscriber base.

8 Guest Posting

Finally, you should include guest blogging in your SEO strategy. Guest blogging helps you to gain better online influence. Guest blogging is a common practice nowadays to generate quality backlinks for your business. Moreover, try to search high authority guest posting websites as the lower ones are of no use. Write quality blog posts for these websites.


Since the crypto businesses are expanding exponentially, it becomes crucial for you to do successful crypto-related SEO for your business. Apart from the players like Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc., new players are also getting through into the market. Try to focus on high volume keywords, and use them as they are always helpful in getting the top rank in search engine result pages. Also, try to know about the latest blockchain updates as it is the underlying technology of cryptocurrency. Crypto-based startups should try to analyze the competition using the best analytical tools and should focus on targeting the audience that is useful for the growth of their business.