Technologies to save our planet: next-gen talk

For over a decade, we are tired of hearing that technology is the main culprit of environmental pollution and global warming. We can’t claim that the data and stats against modern technology are not legit. 

What is the solution to these natural calamities, virus breakout, and upcoming disastrous situations? We can’t go back to the caves and eat raw meat to prevent carbon excretion. We were riding on sludge cars to avoid the use of CNG or gasoline. So, we had to think of an effective alternative that can fit into our modern lifestyle, necessities, and at the same time, not harming environmental harmony. Guess what? Technology is the answer. In 2024 we have some outstanding tech eco-friendly and helpful to take our life standard one step higher. 

Next-generation technology

Here in this portion, we will discuss some of the lifestyle gadgets and techs that are useful every day and seems right out of some science fiction movie. 

Electric vehicles

Till the last decade, people used to depend entirely on natural gas and CNG as their vehicle’s fuel. Western people are so dependent on gasoline that you will find a gas station even in the country’s most remote places. But gasoline burnouts and coal dust are some of the most important sources of environmental damage. So, electric vehicles are making noise on the roads right now. Electric vehicles were part of the sports industry only till the last few years. As these are very expensive and high maintenance cars, most of the mass population cannot afford them. But, the time is changing, and now you can get the best step-through electric bike. You heard it right. 

Electric bike 

As the high-power electric cars, electric bikes are the new addition for middle-class people. It is one step to make eco-friendly, faster, and convenient vehicles for everyone. It does not emit carbon, runs faster than a gasoline engine, easily replaceable parts, easy to charge on ports, and many more advantages to taking over the market quickly. The best part is that you can have the best step-thru electric bikes and have the feeling of riding a Ferrari on the road within the budget. 

The disadvantage of electric vehicles

As with every other technology, there are some disadvantages of electric vehicles too. For example, the charging facility for electric vehicles is not very available currently. It would be best if you visited specific hosts to charge your bike, which can be hectic. As the engine runs on electricity, the machine mechanism is entirely different and tough to get for everyone. So, the repair cost is more. But, apart from these, electric vehicles are the best replacement for gasoline vehicles. 

Solar energy

Above, we were discussing electric vehicles. And one of the most important reasons we need to shift from gasoline engines is the lack of energy. The supply of natural resources is not unlimited, and our relentless use of it is taking a toll already on the national reserve. So, we are bound to look for another energy source that is eco-friendly and goes long. Solar energy is the answer to all the questions. Now we can transform solar energy into electrical energy and use it anywhere. The production cost is cheap, and the source is long-lasting. All the first world and developing countries are to switch to green energy and avoid fossils for energy. Though the technology is still in the research state, and mass use is not available. Still, it is a source of hope that solar energy will prevent excessive carbon and heat discharge during refined oil and CNG production.